Chapter 21

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Alix and I took individual showers in the morning. Today is Wednesday and it feels like a Friday. She doesn't have class until seven at night today. She's been tracing over my tattoos for the longest now. The only tattoos she hasn't really got a good look at are the ones on my thighs.

Her hair lies across the pillow as usual. She's wearing one of my long black t-shirts and white ankle socks. My hair is also down and a mess. My grey V - neck shirt exposes some of my chest. Alix's leg rubs against my black basketball shorts, making them slide up my knee.

We're staring at each other and exchanging small smiles and facial expressions. Lying here with her is peaceful, especially early in the morning. I feel so relaxed and safe. Her fingertips create symphonies within my skin. Her eyes are bright and full of life.

"Someone's getting sleepy again." She said softly.

"Literally all your fault." I mumbled and smiled.

"I'm sorry, does my touch have that much power over you?" she teased.

"It does." I smirked.

"In a non sexual way, I mean." She said.

I nodded, scraping one side of my face against the pillow. She smiled.

"So are you going to recap on that dream you had last night?" she asked quietly.

I grind my teeth together. She stops tracing around my arm and takes her hand back. I'm not even sure where to start. Now that I think about it harder, it sounds crazy.

"If you want me to." I replied.

"If you want too. It's your dream. I just would like to help." She said.

I sighed. "Well I think I know why I'm so ... sexually active or open - whatever you want to call it."

"Is it cause of that girl?" she asked.

"... Yeah. I was never sexual apparently. If anything, I seemed to be an observer. I was shy and quiet." I said.

"Oh. For some reason I can't imagine you being shy and quiet, but you do have keen eye." She smiled.

I smirked. "And why is that?"

"Because you seem so confident. I mean, to have sex with other women so much, you have to be." She said.

"You have to start somewhere." I winked.

"When you touched me earlier last night, it felt good." She said quietly.

"That's a good sign. It means you like it." I said.

"Is it always going to feel that good?" she asked.

I smirked. "It'll feel even better if we go further. The feeling will take over your body once you let it."

"I never would've thought I'd be comfortable enough to let someone touch me there." She smiled.

"I'm happy I'm the one to give you the experience." I said softly.

"You're so patient." She said.

I yawned. "I am and at the same time I'm not, but I have something to ask you."

"Shoot." She said.

"So are we supposed to be a secret?" I asked. "I mean, you already are keeping it to yourself so I don't wanna screw up or something."

"Oh ... um, well yes I would like for it to be between us - still." She said. I can hear the awkwardness in her voice.

"So no PDA?" I asked

Breaking The Game [Book #1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang