Chapter 7

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The ride home felt tremendously short, but then Alix told me that I actually fell asleep on her lap. I don't even remember closing my eyes.

I got Alix up the stairs and into my apartment. She was a little frightened about the gang of guys in front of the building and how off this environment was; at least to her. I showed her around every individual room; gave her the grand tour. Surprisingly, she felt comfortable and at home. I guess that's a good thing.

She was a little thrown off about the posters of girls in my room. If she really didn't know before, she definitely knew now that I liked girls. Other than that, she seemed light-hearted and down to earth.

We took showers - individually. She went first since she felt more oily and dirtier than me. I was used to the club and being surrounded by the germs of the city. Something told me she wasn't though or maybe she wasn't familiar with being around so many people.

She looked adorable; sitting at the kitchen table with a large red shirt that almost covered her whole. She kept her hair down, but out of her face. It was brushed behind her ears. She was texting on her phone. I noticed her eyes were a little low, but it was only about 10 o'clock. Someone was definitely an early bird.

I was in my black sports bra and my old pajama pants that stopped right at my knees. I had white ankle socks on my feet since my tiled floor was freezing. I put together a bowl of Cheerios for Alix. I can finally stop feeling bad about taking her food.

"Ms. Carter." I smiled, placing the bowl of Cheerios in front of her with a spoon.

She put her phone down and laughed. "You're so sweet."

"It's just a bowl of cereal Carter, sheesh." I laughed.

"Well I can tell this cereal was made with a lot of love Ms...?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Samson," I said.

"Allie Samson." She repeated. "You look more like... an Allie Armstrong."

I shook my head and pulled out a chair adjacent to her. "You look like a Carter."

"Do I really?" she took a spoon full of Cheerios.

I nodded. "Yeah. For some reason, it fits."

Alix looked down at her cereal and looked back up at me. Her jaw moved in the normal chomping motion. We held eye contact for a little. It looked like she was trying to figure out something.

She swallowed. "You have really pretty eyes."

"Oh. Thank you." I shaped my lips into a smile. "You have really pretty eyes too."

"And you have awesome cereal-making skills." She took another spoon full.

"What can I say?" I leaned back in my chair. "I'm good at what I do."

Alix continued to eat. She tried not to laugh at my self-centered comment. I played with my hands, trying to find something to say. I was always good at talking to girls and I never really felt nervous around them, but I couldn't find anything to say.

"What made you want to volunteer?" Alix asked.

I shrugged. "I always volunteer. I usually work with shelters though."

"Aw, that's so sweet." She smiled. "I would like to volunteer with you sometime. I mean if that's okay with you..."

"No it's fine, I always try to get my friends to go but they're not into it like I am. I can relate to all of those people in there. It's why I go - gives me some peace of mind." I said.

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