Chapter 47

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"I'm still surprised she actually approached you." Alix said. "I mean, what were they even doing there."

"You should try and get some insight on that if you can." Allie suggested.

"And all this money they're blowing. That place is rich people material. Alix said.

"You're rich, Carter." Allie teased.

Alix scoffs and shakes her head. She's in honest disbelief about how coincidental the night was.

"The worst part is, is that I know she's going to bring it up." Allie said.

"I'm getting tried just thinking about it." Alix said.

Allie takes off her blazer and tosses it on her bed. The girls took a tour on the boat before they got off in some part of the city. The ride home was long, but it wasn't boring.

Alix shrugged. "I don't know - I'm just surprised. Consoling must be working."

"I'm not. Did you check in with Tiffany like I told you too?" Allie said.

"You never gave me the phone babe." Alix said softly.

"Oh - yeah. Sorry." Allie said quietly taking out her cellphone.

Alix grabs the phone and dials Tiffany's number. It's midnight. Allie plops down onto her bed and begins to unbutton her shirt. As tired as she is, she's really happy about going through with the night. It was fun and relaxing while it lasted.

Allie watches Alix with her shirt open. Her black bra catches Alix's attention.

"Tiff?" Alix said.

Allie takes her shirt off completely and places it next to her. Her eyes are racing up and down Alix's body. She just wants to claim her prize already. She's been waiting all night.

"Did my parents call you at all?" Alix asked.

"She probably would've called and told us I guess." Allie said to herself.

"Okay, good. Thanks a lot for tonight." Alix said. "Goodnight."

Allie smirks and slides back on her elbows. Alix hangs up the phone and folds her arms, staring at Allie. Alix blushes and smiles. She never gets tired of her lover's leering.

Allie chuckled. "Those heels aren't killing you yet?"

"They're comfortable." Alix responded.

"Well they're coming off ... like the rest of your clothes." Allie said.

Alix laughs and slides her feet out of her heels. She taps them aside. She's back to normal hieght. Allie's stare becomes soft, but lustful.

"I still think I should take a shower." Alix said.

"North isn't here. We almost got caught by your mom. You look hot as hell and the night isn't that young anymore. There isn't any time for showers." Allie said.

Alix unfolds her arms and tosses Allie's phone onto the bed. The phone lands past Allie's shirt. Allie spreads her legs open, creating space for Alix to come in between her.

"You're such a horn dog." Alix said with a smirk on her face.

Allie sits back up and hunches over.

"You just don't understand how much I miss you." Allie said sadly. "I don't get why our time is so short. It's not fair."

Alix sighs to herself and steps forward to Allie. She places her hands on her shoulders. Allie's head tilts down as she presses it against Alix's flat stomach. Alix runs her hands up and down Allie's back, embracing her. An overwhelming sadness takes over them.

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