Chapter 13: Part 2

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The afternoon went by slowly as both girls were stuck dealing with their own issues. Allie's resting on the couch with her head on the armrest. Alix is lying on top of her with her head on Allie's chest. Her fingers are circling around Allie's collarbones. Alix herself has many questions to ask Allie, but some questions are too embarrassing for her sake.

Alix was still in her tight-fitting underwear, which made Allie squirm a little inside. Their bare legs are touching and their pelvis's are almost aligned. A trapped form of sexual tension developed between them.

"What's sex like?" Alix asked. She continued to circle her fingers around Allie's collarbones.

Allie opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Alix caught her off guard. She swallowed and sighed, preparing her words.

"Sex is sweaty and filled with hard work," Allie said.

Alix wasn't amused by her effortless answer. She wants the truth.

"Okay, but what's it really like?" Alix pushed.

Allie sighed. "It's like feeling everything you've always wanted to feel."

"I've always wanted to feel love," Alix said quietly.

Allie bit around her lip. "A lot of people confuse lust with love when they are two completely different things."

"That's why I can't just ... have sex, I feel like I would fall in love with a person." Alix said sadly.

Allie closed her eyes again. "Casual sex isn't for everyone."

"You've never confused lust with love?" Alix asked.

Allie laughed. "No. I have a very fine line between the two."

Alix took a deep breath. "I wish I could feel it."

Allie opened her eyes and glanced down at Alix. She felt her fingers stop circling her collar bones. Allie took her right hand and placed it in the small of Alix's back. She wants to comfort her and her longing for love.

"You'll feel it one day," Allie whispered.

"I'm tired of waiting," Alix whispered back.

Allie breathed lightly and started to tap her fingers against Alix's back. She knew she could give Alix what she wanted, but she couldn't give her love. She could only fill her desires for lust and pleasure - at least for now.

Alix lifted her head and pushed herself up on Allie's body. Both girls are now face to face. Allie could read the desperation in her eyes along with mixed innocence and hope. Alix stared back into the unreadable hazel eyes, looking for an answer.

"What are you tired of waiting for?" Allie whispered.

"I'm tired of waiting around for someone to come sweep me off my feet. Everyone is happy with someone and I'm not." Alix mumbled.

"You don't need someone to make you happy," Allie said.

Alix stretched her arm out to the armrest of the couch, beside Allie's head. "But I want to share happiness with someone."

"You will. Anyone who doesn't see you as girlfriend material is stupid." Allie smiled softly.

"Do you see me as girlfriend material?" Alix asked. She held her breath for this one.

Allie doesn't know what to say. All she knows is that she has feelings for Alix that run a little deep.

"Um - sure?" Allie answered awkwardly.

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