Chapter 30

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"Tell me how nervous you are." Allie said to Alix.

Both girls are in their favorite place, the community center girl's locker room. They're standing by the wooden bench in between the middle set and back wall of lockers.

Alix is getting ready to play the scrimmage game coach set up for the team. She's wearing her brand new team top that's different from the other girl's tops. The Libero must always stand out, just like the goalie in soccer.

Alix's long sleeved top is tight around her chest, but it allows flexibility and movement. The top is navy blue with white highlights. Her last name is printed on her back in white letters. There's a small white wolf head printed over her heart in the front. The perfect minimal team top.

Her soft dirty blonde hair is in a tight bun. Her navy blue sports briefs hug her nicely, showing off the true beauty of her hips and thighs without trying. She has faith in her black elbow and knee pads today. They haven't failed her yet.

"I'm super nervous." Alix said nervously.

Allie gave Alix a small smile. "You'll do fine."

Allie isn't in the greatest of moods. Her clothing attire says it all; a black windbreaker jacket, a dark grey shirt underneath and black jeans to top it off. Her long black hair is in a ponytail and today she has on her white plugs. The jacket is mainly to cover up her tattoos. The gym is unusually crowded today.

"They're so many sponsors out there!" Alix exclaimed.

Allie frowned. "Yeah, I bet."

"Oh - sorry - I just have never seen so many out there you know? It's nerve wrecking." Alix said softly.

"I can only imagine." Allie said.

"Well you know the rules right?" Alix asked.

Allie looked around awkwardly. "What rules?"

"No PDA, no holding hands - the usual." Alix said quietly.

"Oh, yeah those rules - the rules I've been following for almost a month now." Allie said a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry baby ... it's just now is not the right time." Alix said softly.

Allie shrugged. "Especially with all those sponsor's out there. Wouldn't wanna ruin your chances."

"Can we not fight about this right now?" Alix said.

"I'm just saying." Allie mumbled.

Alix steps up to Allie, wrapping her arms around the ink covered girl's neck. Allie looks away from Alix's hypnotizing gaze. She's annoyed, tired and over whelmed with stress from work and her own thoughts. She knows that this relationship is only going to get harder as the championship game approaches.

Alix is in a great mood despite her stress with school, the team and her own personal issues. Her eating issues are surfacing again, but she's doing her best not to make it a big deal and brush it off. She doesn't want to give Allie more things to worry about. Her parents had recently found out about her cheating on her diet.

Alix gives Allie a soft kiss on her neck. Allie tries her best to ignore it, but that small kiss on her neck serves as a major mood changer and a turn on.

"Our fun time and nap yesterday morning really helped me relax for my tests." Alix said.

Allie nodded. "That's good."

"Can you look at me?" Alix asked softly.

Allie slowly turns her face to Alix. They make eye contact and hold it. Allie's hands remain at her sides.

Breaking The Game [Book #1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang