Chapter 4: Part 1

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I got up with a major headache and the urge to throw up everywhere. Luckily, I didn't. It was 7:30 in the morning and I quickly stripped and threw myself into the shower. I enjoyed the hot water splashing against my art-covered skin. I also washed my hair for the second time this week.

I had to be over at the community center by 9:30, so I took my time getting dressed. I decided to dress casually so I could hide my tattoos as much as possible. I didn't want to be bugged about them all day. Usually, I don't care about what people think, but today I wasn't in the mood. I was always treated differently as if I was some type of devil worshiper.

My hair was up in the messiest bun possible. My black sweatpants gave me more than enough room to move around. I grabbed one of my favorite custom-made hoodies' and slipped that on over my bra. I didn't put my plugs in my ears yet. I decided to let my ear lobes breathe for a little while longer.

My hoodie was black but had two designs - front and back. In the front, a gigantic ship rode treacherous waves. It was detailed in black shaky lines. The lines were thin and close together, making it pop out even more. The back design was detailed in those same black shaky lines. It was the ship's steering wheel and it was slapped in the middle. The hoodie even covered the sides of my neck, which was also tattooed.

My room was a complete mess. My clothes and sheets were thrown everywhere. Kendra was right about one thing; it looked like I had a mosh pit in here.

"Good morning." I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw Kendra standing in a long designer t-shirt of mine by my door. Her hair was down and wild. I raised my eyebrow out of confusion. She was still hot no matter how annoying she was.

"Nice shirt." I pointed at it.

"Oh..." she said looking down at it. "I hope you don't mind. I changed out of my alcohol-smelling work uniform."

I looked around my room, gazing at the wreckage. "Sure - whatever." I looked back at her.

"I didn't realize you'd have to go to this thing so early. I really wanted to catch up with you." Kendra twirled her hair around with her fingers.

I sighed. "Catch up?"

"Yeah... because friends do that after they haven't talked in a while. They... catch up." She walked a few steps inside my room.

"What could we possibly catch up on? Other than how shitty things have been?" I said, hoping she would try and avoid another conversation on how much I hurt her.

"You know just because you have this whole 'no having actual conversations like a normal person with girls' thing going on, doesn't mean you can avoid me; in front of my face," Kendra said with a firm tone.

"There's a difference if you haven't already noticed, Kendra." I laughed. "You're barely over me. Rule number three, having conversations with girls that are in love with you; completely prohibited."

Kendra slapped her hands at her sides and shook her head at me. She was pissed off and she looked like she wanted to throw a good right hook to my cheek. I was an ass I'll admit, but it needed to be said. I was tired of being the center of her hurt. She blamed me more than she blamed herself.

"Just forget it. I guess we can't be normal friends then." She said calmly.

"No one can remain normal friends when one of the two is in love with the other! It's not possible!" I shouted.

"How would you know that!? You're too busy trying to manage and keep your twisted ego and build up your worthless pride!" Kendra shouted back. Her chest sunk in and rose back up.

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