Chapter 20

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This setting isn't familiar to me. I'm sitting on beaten stone steps. The stone steps aren't very wide, but it's enough space to sit. The ground is desert dry and brown. Grass patches are in random places. Everything around me looks dead, but then I realize I'm sitting on the steps of an abandon church. It's not really abandoned, considering there are cranes everywhere. It's being rebuilt.

The church is dark, stained with rust and broken glass. It looks like one of those haunted mansions. The front doors don't exist and the railings to the steps I'm sitting on are bent, twisted and some are missing.

I look back down to see a medium sized book opened up on my lap. My jeans are a normal denim color. My hands are a little dirty stained with dirt spots. My fingernails aren't so clean either. I can feel that my hair is a mess. Some strands of my hair are frizzed out, hanging over my face. No tattoos. This is a dream.

The pages in the book have black writing in them, but I can't read what it says. Letters are mixed up and blurry. You can't read in dreams. The outside covers of the journal are black leather. I close it, and set it down next to me. I can't tell if it's cold or hot. I'm wearing some burgundy raggedy hood that stops at the middle of my thighs.

"Allie!?" I heard from a distance. The voice echoes.

My head shoots around in circles. "North?!"

North appears from the left side of over grown brushes and dead plants. Her hair is in a braid. Her dark roots are starting to grow back in. It looks great with the red that's fading out of her hair. For some reason she's wearing a plain crème dress that's a little loose on her slim figure. She's barefooted, walking towards me and smiling.

"There you are loser." She snickered.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I had to ditch the funeral. It takes some time you know." She laughed.

Her eyes fell to my journal. I look over at it and then pull my knees to my chest.

"Writing about me again?" She teased.

I look up at her. "What? No!"

She stepped closer and sat down in front of me. She folds her legs, sitting Indian style and adjusting her dress.

"You write everything down in that thing." She said.

"Just my life. So I won't forget when I get older." I shrugged.

So I won't forget when I get older? I have to find this journal, if it even still exists. My thoughts are loud. It's weird hearing myself think. I would've never thought I was the type to carry around a journal.

"Well I hope you don't lose the book then." She said.

"I won't. It's always by my side." I smiled. "And when I run out of pages, I'll buy a new journal and continue to write whatever needs to be written down."

"Continue to write about me." North chuckled.

"You're so full of yourself." I said.

"Are you going to deny me in front of my face?" she smiled.

I stretched my legs. "Well, I'm gonna try."

North crawled over to me. Her dress is now stained with dirt. She pulls herself up on the broken down steps and rubs her hands together. Small specks of dirt drop onto her lap. I manage to keep the journal as far away from her as possible. I obviously have something in there I don't want her to see. I don't even know what it is myself.

Breaking The Game [Book #1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora