Chapter 54

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North adjusts her long brown wool coat. She flares her hair over her shoulders and rubs her hands together. Her brown heel boots are digging into the dirt beneath her.
She stares at Allie's side profile.

They're in the woods again. Allie looks around and takes in the fresh air. Her leather jacket is un matching with her cargo pants and black sweat shirt. Her hair is down and being pushed from side to side by the wind. She's taking in her surroundings and trying to trigger memories.

"Anything yet?" North asked.

"No." Allie answered, still staring around.

"Are you alright?" North asked.

Allie shrugs. She's not, but she knows she can't do anything about it.

"You never told me how she found out." North said.

Allie turns her face to North and stares at her. North stares back, a little uneasy and unsure about if she should've brought it up again.

"I didn't know you left marks on my back. She saw them. I didn't even know they were there." Allie said.

North mumbled, "I didn't know I did either ..."

Allie gives North a small smile.

"How can you even smile at me?" North asked.

"It's not your fault like it is mine." Allie said.

"I'm sorry. I know you really love her and knowing that I'm apart of the blame is hard to bare," North said. "Everything was fine for you before I came along again."

Allie chuckled, "I beg to differ."

"I'll never understand your way of laughing and smiling through shitty things." North said.

"I'm happy you're back in my life. It's probably what I've been needing." Allie said.

North puts her hands in her pockets. She watches the leaves fly around, land and pick back up again. Allie stares at her thinking about the past she can barely remember.

"Is there something you have to tell me?" Allie asked.

North looks back at Allie, unsure of what she has to tell her.

"Um ... I don't think so." She said.

"Just wondering," Allie replied. "I don't want you to feel like you have to keep things from me."

"Don't worry, I won't," North said. "But it's not that I don't have something I want to tell you, it's more of stuff I'd like to ask you."

Allie turns her head back to the trees and sky.

"Shoot." She said.

"... How do you feel about me?" North asked.

Allie thinks for a second, not sure how to answer that question. She's never really thought about North in way that say since she's always been so consumed with Alix.

"I feel like whatever we left behind is still there." Allie answered.

North licks her lips before saying, "Is that a good thing?"

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