Part 58: Bullied

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*NOTE: this will be mostly TJ's POV, AJ and Dean will be next part!*

*2 months later*


I woke up the morning police waking me up. (Aka my alarm) I turned the alarm off and rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked around my awesome bedroom.

It had red and white walls with YouTube logos all over it. On my walls were drawn pictures of me in some videos smiling. I had a desk with an Apple laptop and my notebooks and stuff. My twin bed had blue and white covers, sheets, and pillows. My closet was pretty big. I had a white table where my flat screen tv is. I also had a mini dresser where I keep my boxers and gym clothes.

I grabbed my towel and my school uniform which was a blue polo shirt, a black belt, and some light brown pants. I took a quick shower and got out and put on my uniform. I brushed my teeth and gelled my hair up. I put a gray Hollister sweater over my polo shirt, since it was chilly outside.

I went downstairs and decided to make myself some cereal. I ate while scrolling through Twitter and stuff. Oh I also recently reached 1,000,000 subs on my YouTube account! WOO!

(NOTE: Christian, Brandon, Edge, Gina, Harry, and Denis will no longer be mentioned in this story anymore!!! New characters coming soon!)


I opened my eyes and turned my alarm off. I sat up and ran my hair through my messy hair. I looked around my room which I loved! It had pink and purple walls. I had 5sos and 1D posters all over the walls. Oh and I had a desk with my Apple laptop and notebooks for school.

I had my closet. I had a mini pink table where my flat screen tv was. I had a mini dresser where I kept my hair brushes, hair ties, and more hair stuff. I grabbed a towel and my school uniform and headed for the restroom.

I showered and got out and put my uniform on. My uniform was a light brown skirt and a white polo shirt. I put on my black flats and a brown sweater from Abercrombie Kids. For my hair, I blowed dried it and put it in a high pony tail.

I were downstairs and saw Danni eating a bowl of Apple Jacks and had an extra bowl across the table. "Morning Danni" I said in my groggy voice and leaned my head on his shoulder to see what he was doing. He was on Twitter. "Hey TJ" Danni said and I went over across the table and sat down.

"Who's this for?" I asked Danni. "You, school bus is coming a little early today so I thought I might as well since we can't be late" Danni said and I started eating. I texted some friends on my Ipod Touch, which I got last month as a present from Paige. I gave my phone back to mom and she sold it.

"Morning kids!" AJ said coming downstairs in a robe and slippers. "Morning mom" I said. "Sorry I didn't wake up today to make breakfast, I forgot to put my alarm" mom said.

"It's okay, we need to go anyways" Danni said and we both stood up. I kissed mom's cheek really quick and grabbed Danni and I's backpacks and headed out the door.

*At High School*


I'm LOVING high school! I got a girlfriend, I know I'm 13, but AJ said I have to be a Teen to get a girlfriend and I am! Plus my B-day is next week and I'm turning 14! I also joined football and my girlfriend is Kelly, head cheerleader! Aren't I lucky?

I'm putting my books I don't need in my locker when Kelly came. "Hey babe!" Kelly said pecking my cheek. "hey bae, whatcha doing?" I asked her closing my locker and slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Me and Diana (Kelly's Bff/ Co-captain of cheerleaders) are going to subway after school and I was wondering if you and Joseph wanted to come with?" Kelly asked.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now