Part 14: Hospital... Again!

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Hey guys so I can not believe that I got more than 550 reads! Oh My Goodness! Thank you all so much so here is one of the LONG 3 parts that I was going to do. I was going to do all but i have been pretty busy with school and homework. Forgive me! 😢

I called for Dean. I was scared as hell right now!

I took the water off of my eyelids so I could see better. I saw Punk standing there laughing. " Punk.." I said breathing heavily. " why hello AJ! Nice to see you again!" Punk said smiling evilly. I screamed for Dean again. I don't think he could hear me.

I saw Punk jump in the water as I started swimming away as fast as I could. I got out of the lake and headed for the Cabin. I could hear Dean calling for me far away. I was lost in the woods so I just ran as fast as I could.

I started getting tired and started walking hoping I lost Punk. I was wrong. Punk caught up and put his hand over my mouth. I tried to scream.

Punk started punching me hard. I screamed as hard as my lungs could scream.

I heard running and saw Dean running towards me and Punk. Punk did not see him.

Dean came behind punk and started punching him. I tried to get up but my ribs hurt so I held my had over them. Dean saw I was hurt and got distracted from hitting Punk.

Punk ran away fast toward the streets. Dean helped me up. He hugged me carefully not hurting my ribs. We waked to the cabin and Sabrina called an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived when I was unconscious because my ribs hurt a lot.

I fell into a deep sleep with ugly dreams about Seth and Punk. I woke up fast breathing heavily and tears running down my cheeks.

Dean woke up and sat next to me rubbing my head. " shh AJ, it was just a dream you had." I cried into his chest. I felt so safe when I am with Dean.

I saw Sabrina rush in carrying Denis and Joe beside her. I could not carry Denis for another 3 weeks until my ribs heal. So Dean carried him.

We went home after a couple of hours of being in the hospital. SO MANY TESTS! ugh! I hate the hospital. Well on the bright side I did not break my rib ( if that make sense) I just hurt it a little.

So now I have to be lying down most of my day. No running, jumping, or skipping! Omg! Ugh I hate Punk.

It was time for raw but Stephanie gave me 2 weeks off so I am just going to watch Dean. I heard Roman is going to be fighting Randy tonight. Oh I am so excited.

We arrive at Raw and Dean helped me out of the car. I had to walk ( more like limp) the whole 2 weeks which yes, sucks badly. The WWE universe has been informed I will be off of raw for 2 weeks. That all booed and looked sad.

It was time for Dean's match with Kane. Why do they do this to me! I stayed in Dean's locker room watching the match with Roman sitting next to me.

After a couple of minutes Roman said he was going to go get water quickly. I nodded and he left the room. I stayed watching the match when Seth walked in. I was scared and confused at the same time.

" AJ! Hey buddy!" Seth said standing coming closer to me. " stay away from me!" I said to him. " AJ, I am not going to hurt you!" Seth said coming even more closer to me.

" Seth I said to stay away!" I said as I got up and walked backwards slowly to the corner of the room. I Put my hand over my rib. Seth looked at my ribs and smiled. " AJ, I won't hurt you, because Cm Punk did that for me!" Seth said as he held a needle in his hand. I called out for help.

I saw on the monitor Dean won, Seth had not noticed Dean was rushing over to the room we were in. I heard footsteps. Seth got face to face with me. Suddenly Dean walked in. He looked mad.

" Stay away from her you bastard!" Dean screamed and Seth turned around. Roman walked in too and saw seth and got angry like Dean. Roman started beating Seth up as Dean came over to me and hugged me not to hurt my injured ribs.

Seth ran away. What a coward.

Me and Dean decided to go home. We watched a movie with Denis about Charlie Brown Halloween edition. Since Halloween was in 3 more weeks, I decided to get in season.

Denis laughed the whole time watching Charlie Brown and his friends in costumes. I loved Denis's laugh. It was like Dean's but more squeaky. I loved them both too much. After that we put Denis to bed and we went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and took my medicine so my ribs won't hurt as much. They were actually healing. Dean and Denis have not woken up yet so I decided to make breakfast. Yes, I am a good cook. I made scrambled eggs and toast for Dean. I made a peanut butter jelly sandwich cut into 4 pieces for Denis.

Denis was about to turn two. His parents came once In a While to visit him. They even told us they might allow us to adopt Denis. But me and Dean don't know yet.

2 weeks later

My ribs had completely healed and I can run, jump, skip, and carry Denis. I was so happy! Me and Dean went to the store to get Denis's costume. Natalya was having a costume party and me and Dean were invited we were going to get costumes too. Denis had picked out a ninja turtle costume, so we bought it. Dean was going to be a police officer. I was going to be a robber.

We still had 3 days until Natalya's party. The day after was going to be Halloween. Denis was jumping up and down when we were paying for the costumes.

The cashier laughed and winked at Dean. So much rage build up inside me when Dean winked back to her. I just saw him and walked fast to the car. When he came inside he was laughing. I ignored him the whole way there and faced the window next to me. When we got out Dean was going to hug me but I walked towards the door.

I got inside and Dean came behind me and hugged me. " aww is AJ jealous of the cashier" Dean said teasing me. " hmm" I said and folded my arms. " Babe you realize that I winked at the cashier just to see you jealous" Dean said laughing. " why!" I said mad. " because you look cute when you are jealous" Dean said getting face to face with me. I looked at my converse. He picked up my head to face him and kissed me. He put his hands on my waist. I put my arms around Dean's neck. I held him closer and kissed him back.

I can't stay mad at him. He was the love of my life. He eventually pulled back. He winked at me and my cheeks flushed bright pink. " Aww AJ is blushing!" Dean said as he pinched my cheeks softly. I bit my lip knowing Dean wants to kiss me whenever I do that. He stared at my lips.

" you want some?" I asked dean. He smiled and nodded getting closer to me. When he was about to kiss me I put my finger over his lips. " not now!" I said and walked to check on Denis in his room.

So I -

going or leave it off here! Next part will be Natalya's party. Dean does something that causes AJ to get mad. Read tomorrow to find out!

Ok guys so I am going to go do homework. Remind to vote and comment. Follow me for earlier updates! Ok bye

XOXO 😊🙊😘

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