Part 39: Team Ambrose!

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Hey guys! So remember to comment either Team Ambrose or Team Ziggler to see who AJ is going to date very soon!

Will she leave Dean for Dolph, or will she turn Dolph down and stay with Dean? Let me know so I can make you guys happy! 😊💋



I was at home with Dean, while I was in the hospital, Eva and Chirs moved my stuff back to Dean's house. So I was on the couch next to Dean. He had his arm around me and we were watching The Notebook.

I cuddled next to him and put my head in his chest. "What's wrong babe?" Dean asked pausing the movie. "Uh nothing" i said. "C'mon AJ, you promised we wouldn't keep secrets from each other" he said.

He was right, I pinky promised.

"Do you promise not to get mad at me?" I said. He nodded. "Well while I was unconscious I had a dream" I said. "What was it about?" Dean asked.

" well this is the part I don't want you to get mad, okay?" I said. "Okay" He said.

"Well that it was New Years Eve and you were in Cincinnati and Eva was throwing a party and I was invited but I was outside on the back porch. So than Dolph Ziggler comes out and he says he regrets breaking up with me. So than you call me and say you want to break up to go with your Ex, Dalia. So I start crying and Dolph cheers me up. So when it becomes 12, I lean in to kiss Dolph and felt fireworks, so than we part and I kiss him again. He asks me to be his girlfriend and I say yes" I say.

"AJ, I would never go back with Dalia, wait... How did you know I had an Ex named Dalia, I have never mentioned her. Not even once" he said. "I don't know on the phone in my dream you say "Be right there Dalia, bye AJ" and than you hang up" I said.

"Well it was just a dream, I would never leave you, you are my one and true love, AJ Lee" he said. "I love you too..." I said and he leaned in to kiss me. I felt the fireworks that never go away. I ruffled through his messy hair, and he put his hands on my back. I finally let go.

He pulls out a small sliver ring that was very familiar. "Wait... That is my promise ring!" I said. "Yeah I found on the floor, why did you take it off?" He asked spurning hurt. "No, No, No it is not what you think. When seth was kidnapping me, he took it off my finger, I tried to grab it, but he slapped my hand away" I said.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked. "I thought you wanted to break up, you mdidn't care about me anymore" I said. "Why would you think that?" He asked. "Well when I said I was leaving, you didn't bother to stop me, also you were on your phone for like the whole day, also you didn't call ME when I was kidnapped" i said.

"First: it was getting late and you are cranky when you are sleepy
Second: I was busy planning something
Third: I did, only I used Brie's phone because mine didn't have signal" he said.

"Oh sorry..." I said keeping my eyes glued to the floor. "AJ, look into my eyes" he said and I obeyed. I stared into his bright, blue eyes. "What do you see?" He asked me. "My reflection" I responded looking into his eyes still.

"Nope, you see a smart, beautiful, amazing, strong, brave, courageous young woman that I am honored to call my girlfriend" he said. Those words caused tears to fall out of my eyes.

"Why are you crying babe?" He asked. "Because I have been a complete bitch to you lately, I don't deserve an awesome, caring, sweet, wonderful boyfriend like you, Dean" he said.

"Hey, we all make mistakes, that's what makes us people" he said wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"How did I become so lucky?" I said staring at Dean. "How did I become so lucky?" He said. Who knew that one guy could make me head over heels in Love , a guy who I would love to call my husband one day, a guy who I would love to have him call my children his, a guy who would wipe away all my tears, a guy who loves me for who I am, a guy who I can trust, a guy who I can love with all my heart and he would cherish that. Who knew?

"I say all those things the same except with you" Dean said causing me to blush. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked. Dean chuckled and said "yep but I am happy you did".

I yawned. "We should go to sleep, princess" he said. "Yeah sure" I said and stood up. He was heading for the stairs when he stopped and turned to face me. "Aren't you coming?" He asked. "Carry me" I said. He shook his head and headed towards me.

He picked me up bridal style. "You are ridiculous, princess" he said. "I know, Prince" I said. I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed back. He parted and kept going up the stairs.

We finally reached the room. He walked over to the bed and threw me on it. I screamed a little. "What was that for?" I asked. "For making me carry you when you have two feet you can walk with" he said.

"I was tired!" I argued. "Well so was I" he mumbled under his breath. "Fine I will go sleep in the guest bedroom" I said walking over to the guest bedroom. "No!" He said grabbing me from behind and picking me up.

"Let me go!" I said and Dean chuckled. "No my queen, I can not do that!" He said. "Well your queen demands you put her down" I said and Dean shook his head.

"Not until you say you are sleeping next to me" he said. "Fine I will sleep next to you" I said and he put me down. "Not" I said and ran down the hallway with Dean behind me. I ran into a random room and locked it. "AJ!" Dean said banging the door.

"Hold on..." I said looking around the room. "AJ whatever you do, do not go into the closet" he said. The room was a regular bedroom.

"Ok" I lied and walked over to the closet. I opened it and gasped at the sight of what was the closet full of. It was full of pictures of me and Dean from when we started dating to now. I turned on the switch and the letters "Happy birthday Princess!"

I totally forgot my birthday was in 4 days. (In reality it is not) It had a small table with roses on top and two small boxes. As I was about to reach for the boxes, Dean burst the door open.

"Uh oh! You weren't supposed to see this yet" Dean said and I turned around to face him with my eyes watery. "Dean... This is... Amazing!" I said. "Surprise..." He said looking at the floor. "Aww Dean why are you sad?" I said. "Well now you saw it and the surprise it kinda ruined.

"Dean... I don't care, I will still be surprised to see why is in the box tomorrow" I said using my index finger to pick Dean's head up.

I jumped on him, crossing both legs behind his back and holding onto him by grabbing both of my hands behind his neck. "AJ-" I cut Dean off by kissing him. He was started at first, but than kissed back. He put his left arm on my back and the other on the back of my head.

I ruffled through his hair, which I love to do. He finally parted and smiled an evil smile at me. "Uh oh" I said and he carried me to his bed, well ours now. He threw me on it.

"Dean!" I whined. He Layed next me. "You wanna have some fun?" He asked with a smile. "Can't, I am on my period" I said causing him to frown. "Well what a bummer, can we still cuddle?" He asked.

"Yes" I giggled. We cuddled and he had a frown the whole time. I just laughed and I shook my head. "You are such a little kid, Dean!" I said punching his arm softly.

"What, I just wanted to have fun, but you ruined it" he said. "Don't blame me! Blame Mother Nature" I said while giggling. "Fuck you Mother Nature for ruining all the fun!" He said and I giggled. Eventually I fell asleep with one of his arms around the back of my neck and the other around my waist.



Hey guys! So I was bored so I decided to update,listening to 5 Seconds of Summer. Well my life is very interesting.

Anyways, comment which team you guys go for, either #TeamAmbrose OR #TeamZiggler

Love yall! XOXO

Instagram: naedag03

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Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now