Part 53: Christmas Day (1)

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"UNCLE DEAN! AUNTIE AJ! ITS CHRISTMAS!" Denis shouted while jumping on the bed. "Buddy! Cmon lets go open presents!" I said sitting up somewhat excited.

"Dean, are you coming?" I asked Dean while I ran my hand through my messy hair. "Huh? What?" Dean said in his groggy voice. "It's Christmas uncle Dean! Let's go open presents!" Denis shouted excitedly as I put my robe and slippers on.

"Be right *yawn* there" Dean said and fell back asleep. "DEAN THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" I lied. "call the firefighters" Dean mumbled into his pillow.

"Dean! For goodness sake it's Christmas!" I said happily. "So?" Dean asked. "Denis go wake Emily up!" I told Denis and Denis went running to Emily's room.

"Dean it's time to be happy! Let's go open presents!" I said. "You won't make me" Dean mumbled. "oh yeah... What if I ∂σ make you?" I said with a smirk.

"Nope" Dean said popping the p and fell back asleep. I quietly walked over to the side where Dean was and smashed my lips onto his. He smiled and settled into the kiss putting his hand on my cheek.

I parted and said "you will never get another kiss if you don't get up" I whispered in his ear and stood up. As is stood up, Dean quickly sprinted out of bed.

"Let's go open presents!" Dean shouted excitedly. I nodded and Dean ran downstairs to find Denis and Emily close to the tree. Emily was in her little chair. (Denis is 6, he took Emily downstairs)

"Alright let's start with presents uncle Roman gave us!" Dean said and we opened Roman's presents. Denis got a remote control race car. Emily got a pink stroller. I got a cute brown over shoulder bag. Dean got 3 tickets to Super Bowl 2015. "OMG YES! WOOO SUPER BOWL HERE WE COME!" Dean shouted out.

"Let's do Brie and Daniel's presents!" I said and we all opened the presents they gave us. Denis got pair of navy blue vans and a white and black converse shirt. Emily got a pink dress with the words "Daddy's little girl" on it. I got some Ugg boots. Dean got some cologne.

"Natalya and Kidd's presents!" Dean said. Denis got Batman and Robin action figures. Emily got a frozen blanket. I got an eyeshadow makeup pallet. Dean got a pair of black shoes.

"Auntie Emma's presents!" Denis said. Denis got a big blue teddy bear. Emily got a bug pink teddy bear. I got a white cardigan from Hollister. Dean got Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for Xbox 1. "What the? I don't have an Xbox 1!?!" Dean said confused. I told Emma I was going to buy Dean an Xbox 1.

"Anyways, let's open Naomi and Jimmy's presents!" I said trying to distract Dean form his game. Denis got a sign Uso shirt. (Denis loves the Usos) Emily got a white headband, red dress, and white shoes. I got a 5 Seconds of Summer cd. Dean got a phone case with a picture of me and him at Denis's birthday party and the words "тяυє ℓσνє: ∂єαи αи∂ AJ" spelled on the bottom. "Aww my new favorite case" Dean said and put it on his phone.

"Let's open Cameron and Jey's presents!" Dean said. Denis got a signed Uso poster. Emily got 2 pairs of cute earrings. I got a makeup pallet. Dean got 3 axe body sprays.

"How about Sheamus's presents?" I asked. "Oh yeah!" Dean said. Denis got a superman blanket. Emily got a princess Cinderella blanket. I got a charm bracelet with charms of different kinds of hearts, butterfly's, and flowers. Dean got a dog tag necklace with his initials on it. "Oh I needed a new one!" Dean said and put it on.

"Let's open the presents auntie AJ gave us!" Denis shouted. Denis opened his. "WOW Minecraft for Xbox 1!" Denis shouted. "What's with the Xbox 1 games?" Dean asked and I shrugged. Dean opened Emily's presents and chuckled when he took out the shirt. "She's gonna be a little Diva like you" Dean said. "You like it?" I asked. "Of course and the baby rattle too!" Dean said and gave Emily the baby rattle.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now