Part 51: She'll Be Back

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Hey guys! OMG! More than 100 reads in just 1 day! You guys are amazing! So I am not planning on ending this book anytime soon... YAY!

Songs that go well with this part:

Any kind you like! 😊

I stopped the car when I reached the front of Brie's house. I need advice.

*Dean POV*
I tried to run after AJ, when I reached the front door, AJ already drove away. Dumb! Why am I so dumb! What if she was telling the truth! Ugh! I'm such and as*hole!

I was a little tired so I layed down on the couch. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I went upstairs and saw Denis looking a picture of AJ. "Denis? What are you doing here?" I asked looking at him as he put picture back on the table

"Uncle Deany? Did auntie AJ really leave?" Denis said looking at the ground. This kid loves AJ more than me!

"No buddy! She'll be back! I promise!" I said picking him up. "But uncle, AJ didn't say goodbye... She always says good bye when she comes back!" Denis said in a sad tone.

"Don't worry Denis... She'll be back" i said looking at the door. "Uncle Dean?" Denis asked as I put him on the ground. I kneeled down to where he was. "What up bud?" I asked putting my hands in his shoulders.

"Auntie AJ is calling!" Denis said referring to my phone ringing in my pocket. "Thanks bud!" I said to Denis and stood up. I took my phone out of my pocket and answered.

D: hello?
A: Dean... (Sad tone)
D: AJ?!?! Where did you go? I am worried about you! I'm sorry about the whole Brandon thing! It won't happen again!
A: Dean, I forgive you but... *long pause*
D: but what? (Worried tone)
A: *quiet sobs* I love you...
D: I love you too... AJ, why are you crying?
A: *sniffles* I'm sorry, Dean...
D: AJ? What are you talking about?
A: please forgive me for this... *BANG*

I opened my eyes and gasped. I sat up and saw I was panting. "Uncle Dean? Are you okay?" Denis said tugging on my shirt. "I'm fine bud... By any chance has your auntie AJ called?" I asked.

"Um yeah... It read AJ on the phone so I answered!" Denis said hugging his favorite blue teddy bear AJ have to him a long time ago.

"What did she say?" I asked. "well..." Denis said


*Denis POV*

I was playing with Donny, my blue teddy bear auntie AJ gave me for my 3rd birthday. "Ok your mission to save princess Lee!" I said to Donny referring to Princess Lee, the blonde haired princess I found.


I went over to uncle Dean's couch, where he was asleep. His phone was ringing on the table. I picked it up and saw the words "AJ ❤️😘" on it. AUNTIE AJ! (Usually I give it to Uncle Dean to answer, but it was my auntie and I miss her)

Uncle Dean has gotten many calls from auntie AJ, so I know what her caller ID is. I answered.

D: hello?
A: Denis?
D: Auntie AJ! Hi!
A: hey Denis! Where's your uncle Dean?
D: he's asleep
A: oh well tell him to call me back soon! Ok bud?
D: ok auntie AJ!
A: alright buddy! Take care!
D: you too auntie!
A: bye!
D: bye!
*hangs up*


*Dean POV*

"And that's about it!" Denis said. For a 6 year old, he's smart! "Ok Denis go play with Donny! I'll call AJ!" I shouted. "ITS AUNTIE AJ!" Denis shouted back. "Got it!" I shouted.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant