Part 55: Babysitting

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Finally, I convinced Dean to let me and him have a party here. I invited Taylor, which is going to be in Denis's room with Denis, Emily, and Bella. Yes, she will be with her soon to be auntie. I can't wait until me and Dean can adopt her!

It's currently noon, and I'm babysitting Taylor today. Bryan was nice enough to allow me to babysit her once every 2 weeks. She's been telling me how much she loves her phone and she is having lots of fun with her new Friend, Dustin. Dustin is my next door neighbor who is also 10. He's a sweet kid.

*Taylor POV*

I'm so excited to go over to AJ and Dean's house. I've only went once, when Dean took me out with his nephew, Denis to Burger King and Dean forgot his wallet so we had to go back to the house.

It's like a mansion! I got to see Emily, my soon to be baby sister. She's cute. I'm surprised me and Dean have the same eye color. It's like people will believe I'm his daughter.

Right now I'm in my orphanage room. It's just a plain bed with a yellow cover and blue pillows. It has an old drawer, where I keep my clothes in. I really don't get clothes. Only from my recent adoptions, they buy me new clothes and I get to keep them.

The reason they take me back is because they all get annoyed of my seizures. Epilepsy is when I have seizures. When I have one, you have to put something soft under my head, like a pillow or something, and turned me to my side and try to calm me down. Oh yeah, you also have to time it. If it's more than 3 minutes, call 911.

So yeah, I hope Dean and AJ will be able to take good care of me when I had my seizures. Well for some reason, they have lots of strong men and fit ladies as their friends. I wonder why they are all like that.

I put on my red dress my mommy have me before she died of a car crash. I remember when my daddy took me to see her in the hospital bed. Dad was sleeping on the chair and I was sleeping next to mommy.

"I love you" my mom said before kissing my forehead and falling asleep next to me. Daddy woke me up in the middle of the night, mommy's heart monitor had a straight line. I didn't know what was going on, since I was only 4.

I started crying as they got the electric things and put it on mommy's chest. I thought she was going to be okay, little did I know she wasn't. To this day I remember the heart monitor beeping and mommy's voice. I miss her so much.

Daddy was so devastated after mommy's death. He didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't shower, didn't go to work, or even leave the house. There were days he would just stare outside the window and ignore whatever I was doing. About a year later, daddy dropped me off at an orphanage. He left to Chicago and I haven't seen him since.

Tears began to roll down my cheek. I looked into the mirror and quickly wiped them away. I plastered a fake smile on my face and put my red flats on.

"TJ, AJ is here to pick you up for the day" Bryan said opening the door "okay, can she come in?" I asked. Bryan nodded and AJ came in. She was wearing a 5 Seconds of Summer t shirt. Omg she likes 5sos too!?!

"You like 5 Seconds of Summer?" I asked her. "Yeah, why you do?" AJ asked me. "Well DUH!" I said. "I've been listening to them ever since you gave me my phone, by the way Emma said to call her." I said.

Yes I know AJ is a wwe diva and Dean is a wwe superstar. Also I know that AJ is not Emily's mom. Hey, I do my research.

Anyways lets go?" Asked AJ. "Yeah, what are going to do first?" I asked. "We are going to watch some movies, than we will go outside and make a snowman, than we will go inside and drink hot cocoa and I will drop you off back here" AJ said she put on my coat.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن