Part 4: why dean? Why?

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Me and Dean have thought about moving in together and that is what we did!

I am so happy! I love our new little apartment! It is so comfy And homey!

I was unpacking boxes of makeup when Dean came behind me and hugged me.

" boo!" Said Dean making me jump and drop my eyeliner. " Dean!" I said annoyed. " what happened beautiful?" He asked smiling. "You made me drop my eyeliner!" I said as he kissed the back of my head. " come on babe you don't need that you are very beautiful already!" He said and I kissed him on the lips. " yeah but without it I look like a troll." I said picking up my eyeliner. " no you don't you look like a princess!" He said and went to get his phone. "whatever makes you happy darling!" I shouted back at him.

He came back with his phone and grabbed my phone. " what are you doing deany?" I asked him. " just checking something!" He said. " I went over to him and I noticed he was making a new contact with Nikki's number. " why do you want Nikki's number?" I asked him. " just.." He said. "Dean don't lie to me!" I asked angrily. " i just wanted to text her at what time do we have to go to raw today." He said. " why couldn't you just ask me to text her?" I asked him suspicious.

"Because she said that it is better if I text her personal." He said. "Ok?" I said. I

Continued to unpack. When I finished I got ready to go to raw. I tied my converse and put my makeup on. Dean drove us to raw. I went to my dressing room and he went to his. In mine I saw it was dark. I turned on the lights and saw my baby ( aka diva's championship belt) was not there! I panicked. I went it go ask Stephanie and Triple H. They said they have not seen it. I turned my dressing room upside down looking for it. If was time for Dean to go fight gold dust and star dust with his tag team partner, John Cena. I did not bother to watch because I was too busy looking for my baby.

It was time to go out and I went out skipping. Suddenly my opponent, Paige walks out holding my baby. " give it to me!" I screamed at her. " why dear sweet little AJ here you go" and she threw it on the floor. As I went to go get it, she attacked me. I could not defend myself. The referee counted. When he got to 9, Paige got on the ring while i layed down on the floor. Paige won due to countdown. Suddenly Paige's boyfriend, Seth Rollins came and attacked me. I waited for Dean to come out, but nothing so Roman reigns came out and attacked him for me. Brie and Natalya came out and helped get to the WWE nurse. I was ok but I was furious at Dean Ambrose! I went to his dressing room and knocked.

No answer. I opened the door and saw what I could not of wanted ever! Dean was making out with Nikki! They saw me and panicked. "it is not what you think!" Said Dean. Tears ran down my cheeks. I went running back to my dressing room. I slammed the door shut and slid down it. Why Dean! Why! I said to myself as I continued crying.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now