Part 28: hi home!

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I am a little pissed right now! So I was almost finished with part 28, but wattpad started acting crappy, so it deleted it.
Now I have to start all over! Ugh! 😠
Anyways thank you all for almost 3.50k reads! I love all of you so much!
Still in the airplane
"AJ WAKE UP!" Christian said while shaking me.
"Mmm let me sleep." I mumbled to him.

"OMG AJ 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER IS HERE!" Christian said and I shot it immediately.

"WHERE!" I said looking around. "Oh they are not here! It is getting late so get up!" Christian said.

"Chris!" I said and punched him in the arm pkayfully.

"I needed you to wake up!" Chris said. "For what?" I said kinda annoyed.

"To ask out... Eva." Chris whispered as my eyes got wide.

"You like Eva?" I asked. "Yes yes Eva Marie." He whispered. "Oh my gosh! AWW CHRISSY!" I said as the divas and superstars started at me.

"Hush up AJ! Don't make it obvious!" Chris said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Sorry Chris!" I whispered. "Is Eva single?" Chris asked me.

"Um yeah she broke up with her boyfriend like 1 year ago. She hasn't really been looking for another one since" I said. "Perfect." Christian said with a grin.

"What is her favorite color?" Chris asked me. "Red" I responded. "Favorite kind of food?" Chris asked again. "Italian" I said again. "What does she look for in a guy?" Chris asked. "Um for him to be respectful, sweet, caring, truthful, and close to her age." I said again.

"Perfect! Am I all of those?" Chris asked. "Yes Christian you are respectful, sweet, caring, truthful, and close to her age." I said chuckling.

"I got the perfect date planned now." Chris said. "Hmm you sound confident!" I said to him. "Because I am." Christian said in a "duh" voice.

Eva Marie POV

"Aww he is so cute!" I said. "Who Christian?" Cameron asked who was sitting next to me.

"Yes Christian!" I said. " eh I guess you could say that" Cameron asked.

I saw that Christian was sitting next to AJ Lee, my close friend. She already knows I like Christian. She promised not to tell anyone.

" aren't you jealous of AJ and Chris?" Cameron asked me. "Nah, AJ is my friend and plus she is dating Dean Ambrose. You have to admit it, they are a pretty cute couple and you can tell they love each other very much!" I said.

"Thank you Eva Marie!" Dean said across from me.

"Uh your welcome" I said awkwardly. "Yeah they are the cutest couple ever!" Cameron cooed. "Haha but Omg Chris is just- Ahh!" I said. "Is what?" Cameron asked looking up from her phone.

"He has blonde hair, he is sweet, cute, and he is a little shy" I said smiling.

"Girl you are in L-O-V-E" Cameron said to me.

"Passengers please buckle your seat belts in and prepare for landing! Thank you for flying with us! We hope to see you soon!" Said one of the flight attendants.

I buckled my seat Belt and everyone else in the plane did.

There were just superstars and divas in the airplane.

Back to AJ Lee

2 hours later

I was driving Dean's car with him on the passenger side fast asleep.

"We are here!" I yelled pulling into the driveway of our house. Dean woke up and stretched. "Morning babe!" I said to him kissing his cheek. "What time is it?" He asked. "Like 6:00am" I said.

"It is too early!" Dean said is his morning voice.

Damm his voice is so Hott in the morning.

I got the suitcases out of the back and Dean helped.

I went inside and smiled. "IM HOME!" I screamed of excitement.

Dean came behind me and hugged me and put his head on my shoulder.

"I love you" Dean mumbled. "I love you too!" I said and turned around so I could face him.

"I am so sleepy! I barely got any sleep last night. Oh god I am so-" I cut Dean off by kissing him.

He was surprised at first but than he kissed back. He pulled me closer. "I love you more" I mumbled against his lips. "Nuh uh!" Dean said. "Yes I do!" I said as we parted.

"Nope!" Dean said "I love you WAY more!" Dean said and pulled me close to him.

"Really?" I said. "Yup!" Dean said popping the p.

"Prove it!" I said. Dean gave me an evil smile and kissed me.

I put my arms around the back of his neck and he put his on my waist. "I love you way more!" Dean said against my lips.

"Fine you win!" I said parting from him.

"I'm glad to be home." Dean said. "Me too" I said and hugged him.

"Babe I need to ask you something important." Dean said and I was shocked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Will you-


HAHA! I left you guys on. A cliffhanger. OMG DEAN IS GOING TO PROPOSE! AHHHH! Yay! Finally!

Anyways! Thank you all for 3.50k reads! Love yall so much!

XOXO 😊🙊😘

Instagram: naedag03

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now