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Qin Zhang Wei cleared his throat "Then, Miss Lu doesn't have any plans to go back to the Capital?" Lu Ying Yue shook her head and replied "As of this moment, No but perhaps in the future"

Xiang Zihao who was silent the entire time "Sister Ying, forgive my bluntness but do you know who the head of the Feng household is?" Lu Ying Yue smirked and glanced at the others. She saw that they are also interested in her answer "Yes I do, It looks to me that you alr—" Lu Ying Yue was cut off by a scream and shattering of glass. Soon the room was surrounded by six armed men.

Customers from the tea house immediately ran outside screaming. Causing the street to be in chaos. Jiao Jing and Qiu Weiyuan was on their way to the tea house, when they saw some people running away from the tea house.

A man ran to his stall and informed the other people "Some men were causing some trouble at the tea house"

Jiao Jing and Qiu Weiyuan immediately ran to the tea house, hoping that their young Miss is safe. "Aunt Jiao stay here outside where it is safe. I'll look for the young Miss" Jiao Jing nodded her head. Qiu Weiyuan looked around and saw an entrance at the side.

Upon seeing the commotion, the Third Prince and Qin Zhang Wei expression became dark and unpleasant. Xiang Zihao immediately stood up and Yang Chen pulled out his sword. "It seems like someone is looking for trouble" Qian Li Jun commented and immediately gulp down his tea.

Qin Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes at the assassins, he felt something different. He turned his head to looked at Lu Ying Yue who glanced at the assassins uninterested. He smirked and stood up "This is the first time, I saw a woman who isn't afraid of assassins" Lu Ying Yue looked at him and scoff "I don't need to be afraid when I knew I'll be protected" Qiu Weiyuan landed in front of her.

Qiu Weiyuan was startled when he noticed the Third Prince and the Supreme General. He gulped and looked at the assassins, he frowned and whispered "Feng Dong Fu's Assassins" he muttered. Everyone in the room heard him, and the assassins tensed when Qiu Weiyuan recognized them.

The leader ordered his men to attack, but they didn't expect to meet the Third Prince and the Supreme General. The leader thought that before they could kill Lu Ying Yue, they could do whatever they want with her, and then leave her lifeless body on the street.

Yang Chen and Xiang Zihao immediately disposed the assassins leaving the leader and his two men. Qian Li Jun smirked at them knowing what's going to happen next. Qin Zhang Wei tapped his fingers on the table and looked at his shadow guard "Yang Chen, deal with them"

Yang Chen ordered his men to dispose the dead body and to tie up the others. Lu Ying Yue stared at the General and the prince in front of her "What do you need from me?"

The General's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now