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Feng Ying Yue bid her farewell and said "Thank you your Majesty for your kindness. May your Majesty live a thousand years and be blessed by the heavens."

General Qin Jinhai looked at her and faintly smiled "Ying Yue, why don't you and your siblings have your dinner at our household. Father must have heard that you came back and expecting to see you"

Feng Ying Yue looked at him and bowed "As you wish General Qin, I'll have to bother you by sending Hu An and Xiao Yan earlier. I do not want them on the street and hear the commotion" Qin Jinhai hum in agreement and wave his hand.

"Then we'll wait for them" Feng Ying Yue smiled and left.

The Third Prince looked around and said "General Qin, can I also join your family for dinner? Your servants cook the best roasted wild boar" Qin Zhang Wei raised his eyebrow, while Qin Jinhai shook his head and laugh lightly "Of course, your royal majesties are welcome to join us"

The Emperor shook his head at his son "I and the Princes will have to join next time, I need to eradicate the pest and deal with the court and officials" the Crown Prince nodded his head in agreement.

The two Generals bowed and left while the Third Prince pouted at his father. "Li Jun, give them time to get to know each other. Our presence will overwhelm her and her siblings. Imperial father will invite them soon. " The Third Prince sighed and nodded his head, soon his expression became cold.

Feng Ying Yue soon arrived at the Feng Manor. She saw a group of people standing outside their manor trying to see what the commotion was all about and when they saw her carriage, they moved to the side to give way.

She came down the carriage and smirked. She went in and saw the Feng servants kneeling and crying. She also saw her stepmother and her step siblings glaring at her when she came in.

"What are you doing here?!You bitch, you are no longer part of the Feng hou—" Ying Yue cut Chen Caihong off by slapping her, causing her to fall on the ground. Soon the Grand Eunuch Meng came in, they beg for his help, but he ignored them. He cleared his throat and read the Imperial degree "I, Emperor Qian Fu Gang present Feng Ying Yue, as the real head of the Feng household and the successor of the late esteemed Feng Bo Chao. Anyone who dares who opposed her will be killed immediately. I allow her to punish those who committed a crime against her and the Feng household. "

Feng Ying Yue smirked and accepted the Imperial degree. Grand Eunuch Meng left with the palace guards. Feng Dong Fu became furious and fought the guards holding him. He was able to escape and marched on to Feng Ying Yue.

He raised his hand and was about to hit Feng Ying Yue, when Lei Peizhi grab his arm and twisted it behind his back. Feng Ying Yue coldly stared at him and glanced at Lei Peizhi "Tie him up and flog him fifty times." Lei Peizhi nodded and ordered his men.

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