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Lu Ying Yue went to the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for the sauce. Jiao Jing and Chunhua approached her "Aunt Jiao please clean the jars, then Xiao Hua slice these chili peppers and mince the garlic"

"Yes, Miss" the two servants nodded and did their work. Lu Hu An went to the kitchen and asked his older sister "Sister Ying, Do you need some help?"

Lu Ying Yue nodded and handed him some vegetables. "Please tell Uncle Ling to roast some fish and these vegetables. Aunt Jiao already cooked some rice earlier." Lu Hu An nodded and went out.

After mincing the pork and boar meats, Lu Ying Yue added the pork lard and the pork meat. She stirred it and then she added water, smash tomatoes, and spices. She stirred the sauce, and reached the bag of flour to thicken the sauce. She decided to have two kinds of meat sauce, an original sauce and a spicy sauce. "Aunt Jing please transfer the sauce in the jars"

Lu Ying Yue took another wok and cooked the boar meat. After a while, she finished cooking the boar meat and asked Chunhua to transfer it to the jars. She began cooking the Chili sauce, she took the chili peppers and mixed it with salt.

This time they were able to cook a large batch of sauces. There are sixty jars for the meat sauce and thirty jars for the chilli sauce. While they were cleaning the kitchen, Lu Zhi Yan came in running and said "Sister Ying, Brother Hu An told me that the fish and vegetables are now cooked" Lu Ying Yue nodded and pat her head, she turned around and saw Jiao Jing and Chunhua setting plates on the table. Ling Cheung soon came into the kitchen bringing the roasted fish and vegetables.

While they're having their meal, Ling Cheung saw the jars and looked at Lu Ying Yue "Miss Ying, you made a lot of sauces?"

"The sauces last time was sold out quickly, so tomorrow I'll leave the store to Aunt Jiao and Yuan, while I go to the embroidery house".

The next morning, Lu Ying Yue, Jiao Jing and Qiu Weiyuan left the village after having their meal. When they arrived, they immediately set up the jar of sauces at the table. When everything was set, "Aunt Jiao, only sell one jar of each sauce for every customer. Leave five jars of each sauce in the box" Lu Ying Yue left and went to the embroidery house.

Lu Ying Yue was able to embroider twenty pieces of handkerchief and eighteen pieces of pillowcase. The servant of the embroidery house saw Lu Ying Yue and smiled "Miss Lu, you're here please wait for a moment, I'll inform the madam"

After a while, the owner showed up with a big smile "Ying Yue, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you" Lu Ying Yue smiled and bowed "Yes, Aunt Ming, this time I brought twenty pieces of handkerchief and eighteen pieces of pillowcases with two different designs. And this will be the last time that I'll sell my embroidery to Aunt Ming"

The owner looked pleased "Ying Yue as always your embroidered handkerchiefs are top notch. Since this will be your last work, Aunt will give you twenty silvers for each handkerchief and forty-five silvers for the pillowcase"

The owner of the embroidery house, hugged Lu Ying Yue before she could leave "Aunt Ming, thank you" with a small smile Lu Ying Yue bowed and left the embroidery house.

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