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The Emperor's face became dark and with his rage he threw his cup. The Princes and the Generals present also clench their fist. General Qin Jinhai clenched his jaw and glared at Minister Feng.

Feng Ying Yue looked around and saw that everyone was glaring at the minister beside her, so she continued "I brought my token as an evidence that I am the real head of our household, his Royal Majesty can confirm it. Age is also not an issue, since I turned eighteen last year. Judging from General Qin Jinhai's reaction, he must have recognized my guard"

Qin Jinhai nodded his head and said "Of course, he was that young guard who followed Uncle Chao and his captain around learning martial arts"

Feng Ying Yue hummed in agreement and handed her token to the grand eunuch. The Emperor scanned the token and faintly smiled. He stood up and said "I, Emperor Qian Fu Gang present to you Feng Ying Yue, the real head of the Feng household"

The ministers including the servants bowed their heads and stood up straight when they noticed the Emperor spoke in a loud voice "Feng Ying Yue, as the head of the Feng household, how would you punish Minister Feng?"

Feng Ying Yue smirked and replied " I think that everyone who is loyal to the crown will be glad to hear this good news. I have a written letter from grandfather before he was killed. Here in this message, he stated all the wrongdoings of his son, Feng Dong Tao along with his accomplices. Replying to the Emperor, I once remember Grandfather told me, that If any family member commits a crime, they should be punished as a criminal no matter what their relationship to me. As a common rule of every household Feng Dong Tao shall receive 50 flogs. But I think another punishment will be given by your Majesty for betraying you along with him is his accomplice"

Soon the doors of the Imperial court were opened, Chang Min and his men came in. They drag six witnesses and the assassins they have caught.

"Your Majesty, these six men are the witnesses to the crimes of Minister Chen, Minister Han, and lastly Minister Feng. These assassins also belong to them but mostly they belong to Minister Feng" Feng Ying Yue stated coldly.

Feng Ying Yue faintly smiled and said "A few weeks ago, I met Prince Qian Li Jun and General Qin Zhang Wei at a tea house. Their visit confirmed my suspicions that they must be investigating the ministers. So as my grandfather's granddaughter, I cannot just sit aside and let the pest grow in number. I sent my servants to obtain evidence and this is what we found."

Chang Min handed Feng Ying Yue a scroll, Feng Ying Yue opened it and said "Minister Chen plotted an assassination against General Jinhai by sending an assassin among his army during a war and blame his death on the enemy. He also killed thirty innocent people for witnessing his crimes and he also helped Minister Feng plan the death of the late Feng Bo Chao and the late Emperor Qian Li Zhixin." Minister trembles with fear and clenches his fist.

Feng Ying Yue was handed another scroll, "Minister Han, he sent a spy among the palace servants to steal information from the Royal Family. He also accepted a bribe from the enemy kingdom to pass on military information and court discussion. He was the one behind the death of Second Prince Qian Li Xin and the second princess"

The General's WifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon