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At the Feng household, Feng Dong Tao sat in his study. A man came in and bowed "Look for them and make sure you kill them quietly. Get the token from her" the man left immediately.

A woman came in afterwards dressed in orange silk "Husband, what's the matter?" This woman was his concubine named Chen Caihong. Feng Dong Tao sighed "the Emperor and the General household didn't accept our offer to wed Lanfen to the Supreme General"

Chen Caihong clenched her fist and smiled "Should I go and invite them for dinner?" Feng Dong Tao shook his head "I'll handle this" she smiled and said "then I'll leave this matter to my esteemed husband" she bowed and left the study. She went to her room and sat down, soon a servant came in and served her tea.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Feng Lanfen asked as soon as she saw her mother. Chen Caihong pursed her lips and replied "The General's household didn't accept our offer to wed you to the Supreme General instead of that sl*ut"

Feng Lanfen "What! mother I thought that when she leaves, I'll be his bride" Chen Caihong shook her head and said "that's what I thought but your father is handling this matter" Feng Lanfen was furious, she began to trash and destroy her mothers' room. Chen Caihong stood up and began to calm her daughter down. She looked at the servant and said"clean this mess" and she brought her daughter out of the room and into their garden.

"Mother, I thought that woman is dead. How come she still destroys my plans. What does she have that I don't" Feng Lanfen shouted at her mother. The concubine sneered and comforted her daughter.

Chen Caihong thought that her problem was solved when she killed the first wife, Lu Fei Hong. "Don't cry Lanfen, Mother is here. I'll make sure that woman regrets being born"

Night soon came, when his son visited Chen Caihong in her room. "Mother I heard what happened. I thought you sent some assassins to kill them" Chen Caihong stared at her son and replied "I did, it seems like they were able to escape and kill the assassins. Since, they didn't come back to report to me"

Feng Dong Fu looked at his mother "I'll send some mento find them" Chen Caihong nodded her head "Make sure to find a Jade bracelet, we need that to wed Lanfen to the General household" Feng Dong Fu stood up and left. He called for his servant. He thought that his first sister must have grown into a beautiful woman and smirk. "Find Feng Ying Yue and bring her to me. Look for the Jade bracelet that she possessed and kill the others" the servant bowed and left to inform his men.

On their roof, a man wearing black clothes, left quietly upon hearing the orders of Feng Dong Fu. "I must return, find the others and inform the Master. But first I must deal with that trash" he thought. The man soon followed the assassins and threw his knife at the two men causing the, to stop in their tracks. The assassin took a step forward and before he could defend himself, a foot was kicked towards his face and the assassin stumbled. The man stood over the assassin and thrust his sword. He smirked, took the three bodies and threw them in a nearby creek.

The General's WifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon