3 Months of Anger

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Chapter 81
3 months Later

I ran up the pathway of our condo. Nola had been away on this case for three months. I was okay with her being away but last month when I called she didn't pick up the phone for a week. Then when I got a answer it was GiGi saying she was in the hospital but not to worry. I couldn't help but to worry. She is my wife. I swear she better not be cheating on me and she better not be sick. I wiped the tears that started to flow again. Before I could get my key out the front door opened and some nigga and unknown female to walk out.

"Yes Nola you're cleared nigga damn," dude said.

"I swear if I bust something or some shit then I'm coming after you doc," she said and laughed.

"The only one you gonna run from is your wife nigga," he said.

I heard her laugh.

"Yeah. But imma have her running too," she said as they dapped up.

"Whatever bye Nova," he said.

"Bye Doctor Jerry," she said as they started to walk away and Nola closed the door.

She had got hurt and hid it from me. I stood there as they walked pass me. Was I a bad wife? Should I have not listen those last two weeks when she said she was fine. That she had a stomach virus and was better now. I felt my heart fall to my stomach. I was so stupid and then I allowed Melissa and Rico to distract me and work consume me. I bit my lip and made my way quickly through the door.

"Fuck you Nyla!" I heard Nola say and laugh.

"Well shit. Call your wife and tell her to come out. I know you miss her," I heard Nyla say.

I bit my lip and slowly made my way into the living room where I heard their voices. I walked behind them as Nyla laid her head on her big sister's lap. I have to admit I love their relationship.

"I know but I know she gonna flip out an---"

"Ya damn right I am," I said.

I watched as Nyla jumped and Nola turned to look at me. I watched as she eyed my body and licked her lips. I watched as she stood up and walked in front of me. She smiled and licked her lips.

"Robyn," she said.

"Nova," I said as I took in her appearance.

She looked tired and stressed. Her curls were wet still from the shower I'm assuming she took. Her black sweatpants sagged a bit showing her trunks and the brim of her dry fit boxers she had on. She had on a t shirt she had cut sleeves off of and her black sports bra shown under the black shirt. I looked down and notice she had on them debo from Friday looking houseshoes I hated. I looked back up at into her brown eyes that held nothing but love and concern in them. She had on a lot of clothes.

"Have you been sleeping Robyn?" She asked me as she smirked and walked closer.

"No Nova I haven't. I was too busy worrying bout ya dumbass," I said as I pushed her back.

"I was busy," she said.

I tilted my head to the left and placed my hands on my hips.

"Busy?" I asked her.

I looked at my wife. I ran my hands down my face and groaned in frustration. Robyn remember you love this smart ass. But right now I want to lay her stupid ass out.

"Yeah and then I had to go into the hospital," she said.

"And ya couldn't call ya wife? Da one who been dere fore ya dumbass?" I asked her as I started to get mad.

"I know," she said.

"Ya fuckin know? And you were busy? To busy to call ya wife? And ya Know?" I asked her and laughed.

"Okay ya fuckin know," I said lowly and before I knew it my fist connected with her chest.

"Ya don't fucking know. I thought sometin had happened. Dat I did sometin wrong. Dat ya fucking left mi fo some random ass bitch!" I yelled at her as she held my waist and my fist came in contact with her chest over and over.

"Robyn," she said firmly.

"No! Fuck yo---"

She cut me off by pressing her lips against mines. I struggled in her grasp before I gave in and kisses her back. I felt the fire shoot from her body and into mines. It was so damn strong. She pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around her neck as she pulled back. She pecked my lips.

"I'm not a damn bongo. Now take your ass upstairs and I will explain everything," she said as she let me go.

I licked my lips and nodded my head. I looked at her and notice she was mad. Her ears were red. I know she better not be mad. She has no right. I shook my head and did what I was told. I made my way up the stairs.

"Go into the room," she said.

I felt my body stiffen as I looked back at her. I raised my eyebrow. I have never been in the room. But I had a feeling that this room was nothing nice. She kept it locked and told me never to go in there . Unless I was acting up.

"Go Robyn and the key is ontop of the door frame," she said.

I nodded my head and made my way up the stairs.

"Don't kill her sissy. I'll be back in the morning. I got some business to handle," I heard Nyla say.

I groaned I wanted her to stay. It was only noon and no telling what Nola will do to me. I bit my lip as I reached the door at the end of the hallway. I grabbed the key and opened the door. I slowly walked in and took in my surroundings.

It was a gym. Mats were placed on the floor. There was a punching bag hanging from the ceiling. A couple of wooden dummies and a small weight lifting area. I smirked as I saw the picture of me kissing Nova after her first fight.

"You want to fight me Robyn," her voice was low and deep.

It sent shivers down my back. I turned to look at her. She had changed out of her sweats and t shirt and into a sports bra and her blue and black fighting trunks. I quickly shook my head no. I don't think I will like this room at all.

"Yes you do. You want to fight me. I know what I did was fucked up but you don't have to lay hands on me like that," she said as she walked into the room.

"Nola I don't wanna," I said lowly.

"No Robyn. You wanna throw blows let's throw some fucking blows," she semi yelled at me.

I jumped as she slammed the door. I felt my vision get blurry with tears. I stood frozen as she walked around me. I felt her gently grabbed my waist as she pulled my body into hers.

"After we get that anger out we are going to talk," she said.

I gasped as she kissed my neck. I was actually scared. She yelled at me and now she is being nice.

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