Sick and Pissed

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Chapter 64

I slowly made my way down the stairs. My head hurts and my body hates me. But I got up as soon as I heard my wife scream and a male voice telling her to shut up. I placed my hands in my pockets as I saw two male figures. One was holding his throat and the other was struggling with Robyn. I groaned as I watched him slam my wife into the wall and choke her. I looked down to see my keys on the floor in a puddle of soup. I swear this better be a fever dream because if it wasn't I was gonna be even more piss.

"What the fuck?" I said as her dad looked over at me and smirked.

"I'm taking my daughter back and she is gonna marry that man," he said through his heavy accent.

"This better be a dream. I'm to sick for this shit," I said.

I watched as Robyn looked at me through her tears.

"It's real life little girl," he said.

I watched as three dude came out of nowhere. I groaned. These niggas were pretty big. I watched as he dropped Robyn and she fell to the ground coughing and crying. I watched as he walked over to me and then he punched me in my jaw. That shit hurt so I know it wasn't a dream. I slowly turned my head to him. I smirked and spit out the blood that was in my mouth onto his brow dress shoes.

"Okay," I said and kicked him in his knee.

He groaned and hit the ground. I was sick but that was the last thing on my mind. I was gonna kill them all. I watched as this big dude cracked his knuckles and ran for me with his fist raised. I smirked and kicked him in his chest. I watched as he stumbled. I was trying not to use my hands. I jumped up one stair to dodge this man who almost hit me. I smirked and kicked him in his throat. I watched as he fell back. I took my hands out of my pockets and jumped over the rail. I placed my hands back in my pocket. I walked over to the other dude who had just pulled out a knife. The before I knew it I blacked out. The last thing I remember was looking at Robyn as she started to fight the guy who was I guess she was suppose to marry. I smirked. My baby definitely had hands.

"Stop Robyn," I whined as she kept trying to feed me the soup we had went to go get.

"Nova eat the fucking soup," she said.

"I don't want anymore fucking soup. You have made me eat over half the damn container," I groaned.

"Fine but when you still sick don't say shit to me," she said.

I licked my lips and raised my eyebrow. She had been in a funky ass mood since her dad and his flunkies limped out the house. I watched as she sat the soup on the night stand. I swear if I had the energy I would fuck her till she was out of this mood she was in.

"What's wrong Robyn?" I asked her as I sighed.

"Nothing," she mumbled as leaned against the headboard.

I groaned. I was sick. My body hurt and her demeanor wasn't helping me at all. I watched as she crossed her feet at the ankles and her arms across her chest. I licked my lips and started to get up. I was gonna give us both space. I can't deal with this right now.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm just going to the guest room. I am to sick and my body hurts. I can't deal with your attitude right now Robz," I said.

"I don't have one," she said.

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I'm going to go smoke a fat ass blunt and take a nap. I think you need to do the same," I said as I walked out the room.

"Nola," she said lowly.

I ignored her and kept walking to the guest room. I know she is hurting both mentally and physically but I can't deal with that right now. I love my wife and I will protect her to my death if I had to. But right now she was pushing me to breaking point. I don't want to argue with her ass right now. I sighed and walked into the guest room and sat down on the bed. I sighed and opened the side drawer to the nightstand and pulled out the stash we had in here. I sat there and rolled a fat ass blunt filled with blue dream. I smirked and laid back on the bed as I lit it. I slowly inhaled and let the smoke settle some in my lungs before I exhaled. I sighed and just let myself get super baked. Once I finished I was feeling a lot better. I licked my lips and closed my eyes. Time for this wonderful ass nap.

"Nola," I heard Robyn lightly call my name.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the time on the clock. I groaned. 15 minutes that's all I was out. I slowly moved my head and looked at Robyn who was standing at the foot of the bed with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm scared," she said.

I watched as she sat down next to me. I moved over as she laid next to me. She ran her hands over her face. She better be lucky I love her ass, because I would so leave right now. I groaned and laid between her legs. She wrapped them around my waist as I placed my head on her stomach as she rubbed my head.

"He scares me. I know you will protect me but I'm still scared. Especially when you leave. I feel like he will come and take me away. He won't let this marriage thing go. I mean he and my family disowned me so I don't understand why he can't leave me alone. I'm happy. I don't think he wants me to be happy," she said.

"Robyn let me handle it please baby," I said.

"I don't want to lose you," she said.

"Robyn I'm pulling the wife card. Don't fight me on this. You know I have the connections so let me fuckin end it," I told her firmly.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Now go to sleep. You keep fucking with my sleep," I said.

I heard her giggle a bit.

"I'm sorry baby," she said.

"Liar," I mumbled.

"Just a little bit,"

"Robyn don't make me get a hotel room," I said as I started to drift off.

"You know I will show up don't you?" She asked me as her hands massaged my scalp.

"Shit," I groaned and she laughed.

Before I knew it I was out cold.

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