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Aashiya's POV-

Is this is how my innocence going to rip away from me?

My mind swirling this question again and again.

I don't know what trigger him today that made him behaving with me like an untamed animal which has lost his all control.

His every touch, every bite leaving a permanent scar on my soul.

Will, I will ever be able to face myself after this?

I was afraid of my answer.

He stood up removing his pants off and threw it away hastily. His legs around my hips not leaving a chance of moving.

His aroused shaft visible through his boxers, warning me of my upcoming doomed fate.

My blood ran cold when he lowers himself on me, making me horrified to my wits.

This is it,

My heart thudded in my chest.

Vision blurry due to unshed tears. I had to get away, far away from him.

He growled like a wild animal at the contact of our neither regions. His eyes staring at me in pure hunger and need.

My body left all the struggles, my hand become still in his tight hold telling my surrender to him.

He buried his face between the valley of my breasts, tongue licking the area. He kept grinding but now much violently.

I cried harder, my chest growing tight as bile rose to my throat. An overwhelming sense of dread empowering my helpless state.

Something building in my lower abdomen, I couldn't pinpoint. Something which wanted to come out of all the barrier.

My legs shaking badly,

" Take a breath darling, and just lose yourself" he murmured. I followed his words and instantly something came out of my vagina soaking my panty wet. My horrified eyes met his.

" Your first orgasm wifey," he said looking into my teary eyes, his movement stops. He lifted his upper body, eyes staring at my panty added famine part. His fingers longer at the hem of my panty, he took a glance of me and like just tore the last piece of cloth, leaving me completely naked to his eyes.

I lay there in agony, crying on my face.

I turned my head to the side, " Let's prepare you, baby, for me" he mused and his one finger enter in me, a scream left through me, my face contradict with pure pain,

" You are so tight, " he said, his finger pumping in me, tearing me apart. I was never touched down there before, it is so painful. He added one more finger increasing my agony,

" M-meer, please it hurts" my broken word came out with much difficulty in the hope he took a pity on myself.

" Just endure a little baby, " came his reply his fingers pumping in me now with more speed. My body twisted with pain.

I gather myself and looked up, " You gonna rape me, Meer. Your wife, " He stilled at my words.

" Tell me, you wanna ruin me completely, you wanna snatched my dignity " I continue.

" Shut the fuck up woman" his loud voice boomed.

" Why this is the truth, you are killing me with your every forceful touch. Do you hate me this much? Do I deserve this kind of inhumane behaviour" my voice shook at the end.

He abruptly left me laying there, his back facing me.

" I am your husband Aashiya, it is wrong of me to touch you?"

He questions me,

" I am not ready, you are not doing this with my consent"

He threw his shirt on my naked form. and come closer to me his eyes challenging me, " I am sick and tired of being away from you all the time, giving you space more and more waiting for you to take a step toward me willingly,  but much to my dismay you never care about me, never allow me to near you, to feel you. every time I took a step near, you pushed me back, but enough is enough darling" he took a step near me, holding me a prisoner of his eyes, "I am a man of needs if you aren't going to come to me willingly then I am going to take things in my hands"

I gulp audibly, his words heavy. This is the first time he has spoken me to this freely voicing out his thoughts.

My eyes drooped low, couldn't bear the burning intensity of his eyes.

" You don't love me Meer and neither I" I speak up,

" I don't do love babe, it's shit. People who claim themselves, lover, they deceive another person. If they are so much in love then why break up, why divorced their loved ones. You are my wife, I care about you and this is the only thing I can provide you".

He took a breath, " And the same thing I expect from you, acknowledge me as your husband, give me respect. Before it's too late and does something reckless that you and I both regret in future".

His words like daggers shootings to my chest, he is right I never gave him his rights. I never care what he is doing, I am just busy complaining all the time.

It feels like we both are a different person, our view for a relationship is different.

" You sleep, I have some matters to take care of," he said dressing. I also covered myself with his shirt. My whole form in pain, every limb felt heavy. I need to clean myself. I tried getting up, but my body sore not allowing me to move, a hiss escape through my mouth,

In no second he was before me and picked me up in his strong muscles. Our gazes collided, baring our soul each other. His eyes first time displaying the many emotions, but before I could read the masked them with is usually cold eyes.

He opened the washroom door making me secure on my feet.

He filled the bathtub with warm water and checked the temperature dipping his finger and after that, he placed me in the tub.

And with that without uttering a single word he left,

Making me dwell on all the happenings of today.

I close my eyes in tiredness and lean in the tub.

I have to do something,


I tried writing both of their sentiments through this chapter,

What you all think, who is right on their place, Meer ? , Aashiya ? or both of them.

Don't forget to give me much awaited feedback.

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