★ 6

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You must be the change you wish to see in the world "



There was absolute silence in the atmosphere , only the sound of cool breeze heared . The night was deep and black like Meer , only few stars are brighten the sky "!

Aashiya was beyond scared , she was unable to comprehend situation...!!
What is it that tik off him this time. They both stood close , very close he was holding her wrist in tight grip her back pained due to colliding with tree but he didn't gave a fuck !!

Aap piche hatein !!

Move !

Aashiya said in shaky voice.

Kuch pucha h tumsebtado !!  agar apni p aaya toh tumhare liye hargij accha nhi hoga!!

(  I asked you something , it's better you spoke otherwise this isn't going to be good for you )

He said in very hard tone , his eyes speak volumes...!!

"I said stay away ,are you that dense !! Unable to understand simple thing..
Aashiya said in very firm voice she didn't like his tone a bit !

"Don't raise your voice at me !" He said with clenched teeth , how can she talk back to him he was furious.

"or what !? you will show me the power of your position !! Let me think.. or simply you will humiliate me like you always do with Reema aunty " she said challenging him

And that was the last string of his humanity !!
Meer suddenly grabbed her by jaw pulling forward his hold like steel.. hard . This is  always the sour topic for him nobody dare to take Mrs. Shah's name in front of him.

"Don't tempt me princess to do something which you and I both will regret "  he said menanicly gazing in her eyes which were teary due to his viciousness..

She trembled with fear in his hold crying and struggling... Nobody treat her like that , but he ....!! He is the monster..

This i-is M-mayank's!! He forgets this in park so i- I picked it ... She said in very shaky voice.. She knew very well he will not leave her alone without getting his answers so it's better to finished this matter early..

After listening her explanation he relaxed a bit , this is the matter with him he can't tolerate any other male species shadow on her . And when he saw her wearing another man's name bracelet very comfortably he lost his shit !! From childhood to till now this thing graze in his mind very clearly SHE IS HIS! And he will not going to share her with anybody !! And  nobody have a say in that not even her.!

He take a long breath...

He left her jaw , and take a step back.. while staring in her eyes. She take a breath of relief and wiped her tears.. her jaw pained..  she stood there holding her wrist head hung low..

Meer's eyes soften after seeing her scared like this.. he doesn't want  her to scared of him .. but his methods of treating her tells another story..

It's quite late , go inside "! he said in calm voice ...

Aashiya just want to run from here his mere sight of him , sickened her.

I hate you ! she yelled with little voice and ran away instantly...

A smirk form at his face , his eyes followed her .... She looks so fucking beautiful with red nose and cheeks ..he thinks.. it's not the time drooling at her , he scolded himself and left from there.!!


When Aashiya entered in her house all the lights were off , she knew her parents were off to their rooms , they always followed a healthy routine..

She entered in her room and close the door with loud thud... moments start replaying in her mind how he manhandled her , she laid on the bed tears start flowing through her eyes.. she hates him to guts... he is so rude he doesn't respect elders!! Abhi and he both are brothers but both are pole apart in personality , Abhi was calm very chilled boy , talk with respect where as he doesn't gave a shit to anybody...!! Thinking all this she drowned in the world of dreams..!!

Morning time -

Mr and Mrs Sinha notice the sullen mood of Aashiya . Today she wasn't her usual chirpy shell. They both exchanged a look and Mr. Sinha kept his newspaper on the table....

princess is something wrong bacche !! he inquired ...

Aashiya stopped at eating... and glance at his father.. and shake her head...

No papa , just a little headache ..!!

Mrs. Sinha knew she is hiding something but she kept silent.. she will ask her later...

Ok bacche , take medicine otherwise it will increase... he instruct her...

And they got busy in their breakfast .


College -

University is the place of thousands dreams.. there we got the lots of friends and come into a world which is filled with colors and aims...

Aashiya , Soha and Priya sitting in the canteen . Priya was busy in her phone Soha in munching burger and Aashiya just busy in glaring her coeffe ! Soha nugged Priya and in return she earn a glare from her... but it didn't affect her a bit... she motion her toward Aashiya....

They both noticing from morning!! She wasn't smiling today !!

Aashiya what happened babe !! Priya and Soha both asked ....

She just shrugged... she doesn't know how to explain...

you know na baby , you can tell anything to us!! this time Soha said squeezing her hand , And Aashiya smile a little at both...

They are inseparable....!!

Guys , i don't know... she started ...

You know na Abhi have an elder brother...she asked to both

They both nodded her head in confusion... well everybody knows about Meer Shah after all he is the trustee of college...!!

Muje khoff aata h unse.!!

(i m scared of him )

She said Staring in space...

Both Soha and Priya's mouth wide open they know there is lot to come !!
Because Aashiya is very positive and humble person , she never badmouth anyone... she is the most sweetest person on the earth...!!

But what it is that force her to said anything like this... they seemed puzzled....???


How's the chapter guys... share your feedback...

What you think about Meer's behaviour with Aashiya....???

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And stay safe!!!

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