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          "Success isn't final,
           failure isn't fatal :
           it is the courage
           to continue
           that counts.



these are my favourite lines , who motivate me In life... , in many difficult situations.!

Aashiya's pov -

"Guys it's enough I m tired now "!

The amusement park was buzzing with children's and youngsters voices.

After my sudden announcement my friends stop in their argument and turned toward me.

'Please it's been four hours since we are roaming in this park and trying all  sort of rides , now I am tired let's take a break.

After my little complaining , Soha suddenly came and hugged me ,!!
"Ashu , my jaan ! she literally hugged me so tight for a second my breath stopped. Her hold is that strong.

'I can't breath babe..!!

ohh sorry , she said releazing me. Her face beaming in happiness , eyes shinning well she is also not a fan of rides.

I , Soha and Priya all are  classmates ,we are doing Bachelor's of fashion designing , currently in second year. We have been friends for a long time.

Why you girls are so dramatic about everything ?!

came a voice , very annoying voice i must say. Mayank is senior to us. Abhi and Mayank are in final year of their business management course and the most popular guys in the college.

"We aren't dramatic, we are just tired Mayank !!
Priya 5.6 in height , figure like models and got a sharp mind. She is the perfect example of beauty with brain , came to our rescue.

Only she can make Mayank Oberoi mute  in just one glare , because our monkey Mayank possess feelings for Priya and the model friend of ours quite unaware of Romeo's feelings.!!

M ..m not saying this to you Priya , i was only saying that just few rides are left , so let's go and finish and then head to our homes !! What say??

Mayank clarified himself , i must say very baffled..

Priya just shrugged folding her hands to chest.

I , Soha and Abhi just shake our heads at both of them..!!

This never going to change!

I..i just "

Hurry up guys , lets move to homes" Priya cut Mayank in middle and ordered us.

Mayank face fell , Like always Priya doesn't spare a glance to him and make herself busy in her phone.

She is right buddy , we are getting late , you know na about Aashiya's curfew , so we shall return to our houses... Abhi said interfering in the situation.

And then i remembered , dad strictly mentioned to me that he want me before seven in the house. Abhi my saviour...!!

We all came to parking alot and bid our good bye!

When i start to move then suddenly my eyes caught a glimpse of some shining thing , i crouched down and realization hit me it was a chain , actually a key chain of mayank. This is very close to his heart , her late mother gifted him on his birthday.
What happened Ashu ?? Abhi asked coming in my direction.

Mayank forget his key chain !! i said showing him.

Give it to me , I'll give him tomorrow!!

No way ,  I know very well how forgetful you are , m not risking his chain with you!!

Abhi just hufffed and start his bike.... I just shake my head , how childish .

And then i hooked his chain to my breaclet , which i was wearing currently... Mayank's chain was really very pretty , his name's initial are craved on his chain....

"You know na about Maa's dinner invitation ???
Abhi asked after some minutes..

I knew .!!

Abhi nodded taking a left turn.

Few hours ago , I received a call from my parents  , they informed me about Mrs. Shah's dinner invitation , dad having important appointment he can't able to go and mum she is going at her friend place leaving me to attend Mrs.Shahs dinner. She is a very sweet lady , loves me a lot like her own daughter.

Our family are very close , I have known Abhi since birth. He is 2 year older than me , we are best friends since childhood.

My fay works for Mr.Shah as their personal doctor. Mr.Shah is quite strict and scary looking man , but his eyes often soften after seeing me. I m not a great fan of him , because of his beliefs like " men and women aren't equal , " or A women should always been obedient to his husband , treat him like a god "  seriously !!

What the fuck??

We have reached.!!

A sudden halt and Abhi's voice broke the chain of my thoughts..."

I get down of the bike , tame my wild hairs , which currently looks like a birds nest thanks to Abhi's ride.....

When i was  busy in making my self looking presentable , i feel someone gaze , like someone was digging a hole at my face , I saw everywhere but nothing seems unusual , all the guards stood like statue and their gaze on the floor , In this house hold there are many things which didn't set well with me , one is this - guards or other male worker aren't allowed to look at directly at house's ladies and if they do , they will be severely punished.

Abhi was still busy in a call where as I am feeling very weird ,  uncomfortable . And suddenly I lift my gaze to  first floor only found a pair of grey orbs staring at me with very intense gaze.!!!


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