Tears and sadness

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So first I want to get serious. So someone asked me why I was so obsessed with once.

Of course my initial response was just, "it is a great show! you should like watch it and then you would understand."

But that comment really made me think. And what I found after thinking so hard was actually really like depressing.

So I watch it, like any other show for entertainment, but the thing is, I never have gotten this obsessed over anything before, like not even PJO.

In the first episode Mary-Margret tells Emma some thing that really explains why I am so obsessed. She says, "what do you think fairy tales are?" and them says something along the lines of hope. then says, "having even the belief of a happy ending can be a powerful thing."

And I have a feeling that is why people are so obsessed with the show.

It depicts life as a fairy tale. It gives you that hope of a happy ending, it makes these perfect fairy tale characters have flaws, makes then have a backstory that we could relate to.

And no matter how much we curse Adam and Eddy for writing things the way that they do, we can't stop watching the show, we always come back.

For most shows, the second Rumple stepped over that town line I would have turned off the tv and never looked at the show again.

But the show makes you have so much hope, it is unhealthy.

But the thing is, us oncers will succeed longer in the real world because of this.

We will be able to stand taller in our dark hours. When someone puts us down, we will have the strength to pull up.

Because we obsess. And all I want to do is answer the question.

"Why do you obsess so much over OUAT."

The answer is that it helps me through every day life issues.

Whether I am standing up to someone like Belle.

Or standing my ground like Regina.

Or chasing a love like Killian.

Or holding my courage like Charming.

The show better prepares me for life. That is why I obsess over it.

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