Heart of Gold

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I am just mad and confused and furious and upset and just SO MANY EMOTIONS!

Okay one, so I am kinda mad because they named the episode Heart of GOLD so you would think that the episode would mostly center around GOLD and Rumbelle not Robin and OutlawMaiden and WHATEVER THE HELL THE NAME FOR FREAKING ROBIN AND ZELENA IS!!!

So I do want to applaud those of you who predicted what was going to happen.

I mean I was pitched the theory that ZELENA was Marian, and while I didn't throw it into the dirt, I honestly didn't want to believe it. But alas, Robin is now blindly married to Zelena, who now is best friends with her almost ex murderer, Rumple, who is using Robin as BLACKMAIL to make Regina do his bidding, who freaking is being super confusing right now!!!

I mean honestly, she brought up Rumple teaching her magic, and then was going on about how She wasn't letting Rumple do to Emma what he did to her, and I am sorry, but Adam and Eddy are REALLY making it hard not to see the Swan Queen feels.....


I was sitting there doing my laundry because I hadn't done it like I was supposed to earlier, and I hear the beeeeeeeeeeep and see the line and I started throwing clothes everywhere and screaming and crying and I went into sudden denial....

And you know Zelena started acting like she was all concerned.......

I do have to say...it is nice to have Bex back though....

Alright so I think I have figured out when the enchanted forest flash backs take place in this episode.

So Marian wasn't pregnant yet, and there was no Roland around, so it is before Robin stole from Rumple because in "Lacey" Marian was pregnant with Roland. Sadly, this means that it had to be before Belle, because Marian was showing plenty when they saw her in "Lacey."

Now to get more specific with Robin Hood (I am gonna get to that later) it happens before the Knave of Hearts is the Knave of Hearts, and before he joins the Merry Men, and quite honestly I think it is before the Merry Men even existed.

And then I am really confused because Will talks about his sister in OUATIW and is upset about it, so I want to know how that is possible. Unless maybe the effects of the potion are temporary, which I doubt, Will never took that potion.

So I have a little theory to present about Will.

So it is the elixir of wounded HEARTS. If he never took the elixir, then he would still mourn his sister. On top of that I would think that he would eventually collect the heartbreak of Anastasia. Will, knowing that all magic comes at a price, didn't take the elixir, instead having Cora rip out his heart. Without a heart, you can't heal it.....

So I think that off screen something happened between Anastasia and Will, and in all honesty I love them as a couple, but I think something happened, and he was forced to come to Storybrooke without her. The pain was to much for him to bear so he drank the elixir, and that is why he doesn't act upset and is hitting on Belle, because he doesn't have a broken heart anymore.

As for Belle, I have no excuse, for that I am just sticking to the he-messed-with-me-during-my-time-of-month-and-there-ain't-no-going-back-from-that theory....

Anyway Robin Hood....

That is just perfect...

When Roland ends up going to school....

"Roland Hoodlum"

Yeah...i feel for the kid...

I am a little bit terrified over the whole Zelena thing, because originally her happy ending was to make Cora love her, so what is going to happen if Zelena actually gets a rewrite...

I think I know why Cora is coming back....and I DONT WANNA!!!

All I ask is for Zelena to be nice and her and Regina become best friends and sisters and actually act like sisters, and for Zelena to find a guy, NOT Rumple NOT Robin NOT any other dude who is taken and his name starts with an R.

No really what is it with her and dudes the have a name that starts with an R....it is weird....

I have like a list of complaints for this episode, just one that I am going to leave you on is that there wasn't any feels that I got in this episode.

Like not for any of my ships, like BROTP swan queen and maybe a little outlaw queen but there were extremely one sided, and we were just fed a ton of Outlaw Maiden and idk...i am gonna call it Wicked Thief.


And btw WICKED is good😜😜

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