Contest Winners

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So a while back I put out a contest for fanfiction.

And I have the results.

First prize goes to believe__inmagic for her Captain Swan fanfic called "This is what it takes"

If you are looking for something to read then you should really check out some of her writing because it is incredible.

Second place goes to Awkward_Owls1214 for her Outlaw Queen fanfic that she called Sydsorbet Contest Entry.

Regardless of the title not hinting at much, the story is incredibly interesting and again if you need something to reed you should check it out.

And lastly in third place there is Shelby-Powell with her Rumbelle fanfic called "Started with a Kiss."

While it may push a little when it comes to being appropriate, it does a great job of showing a fluff scene between Rumple and Belle and I really enjoyed reading it.

Also I want to thank everyone else who participated! Just because you didn't place doesn't mean your story wasn't amazing. Everything that I read was incredible and not once did I feel as if I couldn't continue a story because it was terrible or the spelling and grammar made it hard to follow.

Also as a bit of a side note, NikkiBerries is hosting a contest, so if you'd like to do that go and check her book "The Resurrection Reunion" for details.

If you'd like me to host another contest like this then let me know!!!

Thanks again to everyone who participated!!!

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