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Okay I want to know what OUAT's crazy messed up definition of a hero is.

So first we will make the list.

Snow White/Mary Margret
Prince Charming/David/Prince James
Robin Hood
Belle Gold (don't judge they r married)
Emma Swan
Henry Mills

And there are a lot more, but these are the important ones to prove my point.

Now first I will allow you to notice I did NOT include Regina or Killian.

Now this is because as of last episode (heroes and villains) Regina was still considered a villain by "fate" therefore not quite a hero. As for Hook he is still a pirate. A quite dashing one, but as far as we can tell he is a courageous man, but he still has that bit of self in him that makes him piratey. (not that there is anything wrong with that! Hook is perfect the way he is!)

Anyway we will start with Snow White.

As a child she was a self centered brat until her mother died and she grew up a little.

Then she made herself a lifelong enemy at age ten because she can't keep a secret.

After, she grew up and was wanted for murder, treason, and robbery.

She denied these charges and we believed her, but she did do this!

She killed countless dark knights, she performed treason by being against Regina (aka THE QUEEN) and she stole from her carriages.

Do I need to go on about her?? Basically she is a murderer and a thief, but she is still a hero because...... well I don't know why is she a hero?


Well lets see, he is a twin, bit his brother was traded at birth to be the king's son so that the farm would live.

When his bro died, he went and slayed a dragon, then proceeded to pretend to be his brother.

He then was place into an arranged marriage with king midas's daughter princess Ava.

Instead he cheated on his fiancé with Snow White.

He also killed a ton of dark knights and king George's knights.

So....yea Charming is an identity thief and a murderer. Oh yea and a hero. A hero because he....um he slayed a dragon. Yup that makes him a hero.

Robin Hood

So I guess he is more of a hero. Ish.

Let's see he is a thief. I mean that is all there is to it.

He is the head of a group of merry men that steal.

And he isn't even a good thief. I mean he tried to rob the dark castle, WHILE RUMPLE WAS IN IT MIGHT I ADD!

I mean he wouldn't even be alive if Belle wasn't there to free him!

But I will say he stole from the rich to give to the poor (or at least in the original tale he did) so he gets brownie points for that I guess.

So yeah hero because he steals and gets caught while doing it.

Belle Gold

First I will apologize for bias because Belle is by far my favorite OUAT character.

Now as far as heroes go I would say she is. Like really! Her story started not-to-heroically, but she recovered. regardless of her rather selfish decision to pick memories over Anna's life, she made up for it by, TRADING HER FREEDOM FOR THE LIVES OF EVERYONE IN HER VILLAGE!

So lets skip over all of the wonderful Rumbelle romance moments (even if I would love to go through them- you should really read my My life: Belle story, it has those moments) and remember that while she was "prisoner" at the dark castle she RISKED HER LIFE to freakin save Robin's! And she stood up to him so many times as well, at risk of losing her own life may I add!

Anyway after leaving the castle she went and broke Prince Phillip's curse turning him from the yorergui (I have no clue how to spell that) to his wonderful human form.


But anyway, Belle is a hero because she has saved lives of so many people, yet has never killed a soul! (minus mine and many others when she shoved Rumple over the town line)

Emma Swan

So I guess, maybe, kinda, in a way, if you close one eye and turn your head to the side a little it is possible to see her as a hero.

I mean she started out as like a heroine in distress.

But she did like break a curse, then capture pan's shadow, and then helped beat the wicked witch, then rid the town of Ingrid. (😭😭still not over that!)

So she had her share of heroic moments, oh yea and she slayed a dragon.

So yea she is a hero cuz she slayed a dragon and broke a curse. Better than her parents. At least she isn't a murderer.

Henry Mills

Yea he is a hero I suppose. He was part of breaking the first dark curse. It's just he is to young and innocent to do anything wrong really. Like unless he did something during the missing year to mess his heart up. But as far as we know his heart is purer than Snow's and it has a golden aura.

So hero for breaking first curse. Boy in distress for being captured by pan, but I guess hero.

Anyway the point of this chapter was to basically point out that OUAT has a pretty messed up idea of heroes.


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