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I promised this would happen so here it is!!

Adam and Eddy

Why can't Storybrooke can have some peace and quiet for at least a month without a crazy weird psycho running around.

Adam: Well it is a action/drama show and I think it would be a little boring without an antagoinst in the cards.

Eddy: Yea, I mean s much as we would all like to see Captian Hook and Emma laing around watching Netflix, it really woud make for an uneventful episode.

Entire OUAT cast

Who is your favorite person to work with on the show?

Emilie de Ravin

I really like working with Bobby. (Robert Carlyle) I work with him a lot more than anyone on the cast actually! But Lana is a lot of fun to work with, and I have been doing a lot of work with her lately and she is probably a close second!

Robert Carlyle

Oh definitely Lana! She is brilliant and I don't know how this show would even work without her! She is really nice about everything! But I do like working with Emilie! She is really powerful, and she can be really scary if she needs to be! Honestly, I work with so many brilliant actors and actresses that it is hard to choose!

Lana Parrilla

Oh, wow! Um probably Jared! He is a really fun kid, but he is also REALLY talented! Honestly! He is barely a teenager and he is able to act so well for his age!

Jennifer Morrison

Ginny (Ginnifer Goodwin) is a ton I fun! We are really close friends actually and we were ecstatic that we would be working on this show together! I love the idea that she is my mother, it is a lot of fun to pretend that!

Ginnifer Goodwin

Lana! God, where do I start? She is brilliant, and I don't honestly know how I even am able to work on the same level as her!

Josh Dallas

I feel a little obligated to say Ginny! I mean she is my wife, but the fact that when we work together it is usually weird because on OUAT our characters are more or les going through the same thing that we are!

Colin O'Donoghue

Oh god, um Josh Dallas. It is fun to feel that tension between us with me dating Emma and all!

Sean Maguire

Lana! I do most of my scenes with her, but I love the way she acts! It is like she really is Regina Mills and I don't know how she does it so well!

Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue

Do you guys really hang out when your not at work? Because that would be really cool!

Jennifer: Oh yea! I love hanging out with Colin! He is a lot of fun!

Colin: Yea the cast hangs out a TON! But I have to limit myself, because Helen probably wouldn't want me hanging out with Jennifer more than the ten hours a day that we are on set!

Jennifer: Yea, I mean what woman would want there husband hanging around the woman that people nominated for the catagory of best tv chemestry last year?? I mean look at me! *Flips hair with hand and then bursts out in laughter soon joined by Colin*


Sorry it's not longer, but I did what I could with the questions I got!


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