Frustrating isn't it?

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So I have a friend who had never watched OUAT. So naturally I forced her into watching the first episode on Netflix. She liked it.

But here is my issue. I called Regina nice or amazing or another adjective that describes her, and she basically called me out for it and I was so angry!

It took me a minute to realize that she was only like three ep in and that Regina hadn't changed yet, and that soon she will be on my side, but that got me thinking.

I started wondering why it is so easy for Regina to win everyone over and make them think that she is good, but if Rumple ever tries to do anything sincere everyone is suspicious.

But basically my point is that Rumple makes mistakes and bad decisions but it isn't really his fault, he was born with this cowardly rep that his dad had and so that is what he figured was the way to act. And for some reason we didn't meet his mother, but he grew up motherless even before his dad left him.

But even tho Regina's upbringing sucked, she was alone and evil at her own creation.

"Evil isn't born its made."

She became evil because she wanted revenge on snow. Now it may be partly Rumple's fault that she is evil, but may I mention that he did what he did to find HIS SON!

Like honestly Regina casts this curse to RUIN EVERYONE'S HAPPY ENDING, and somehow blame is placed on Rumple because he made the curse. But again he made the curse to FIND HIS SON!!

But anyway my point is, Regina is doing better-ish- but at the start of the season she really got off on the wrong foot, and Rumple had full intensions of being good.

Then he saw the hat. I mean he is CURSED! That was a way to break his curse! Like he might not have gone directly for Killian's heart, but he was the only person that knew him before he was the dark one.

Like if it was some nobody who knew Rumple before, then we could care less about him killing the person to free himself of the dagger. We might have even been on his side.

So this might have sounded like rambling but honestly, I am like really mad at myself for rooting more towards Regina's side and none towards Rumple's.

But none the less, I am still mad at Rumple. I would be mad at myself if I wasn't still mad at Rumple.

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