Unforgiven Synopsis Anyone??

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David and Mary Margaret suspect Cruella and Ursula have come to Storybrooke looking for something more than their own happy endings – something that threatens to reveal a secret they thought was long buried. Emma begins her own investigation of Cruella and Ursula, but she can’t shake the feeling that her friends and family are keeping something from her. Regina and Henry continue their search for the Author, turning to Pinocchio and Marco in the hope Pinocchio might remember a clue that [shall] help them. Meanwhile, in a flashback to Fairy Tale Land, Snow and Charming cross paths with the Queens of Darkness as the threat of the Evil Queen’s Dark Curse hangs over all of them.

So...um lets break this down a little.

So Emma uses her superpower and can tell that her parents are lying, so she tries to find out what is up while leaving Regina and Henry to continue looking for the author. 

We know at some point Emma meets with young August, because of the picture that I shall show you eventually if you haven't already seen it, so that probably happens before she meets with Ursula and Cruella and figures something's up.

Then in the Enchanted Forest we get to see what the shuck (name that book) Snow and Charming did to the QoD to make them THREATEN THEIR LIVES!!!

So yeah, that is all for today's useless information that we already knew about Unforgiven!!!

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