Poor Unfortanate Soul

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Alright I am really starting to question Regina.

I know she isn't converting to evil, but the whole talking through Snow thing was kind of scary.

Anyway, I feel the tension between August and Hook and it was only one scene.

I don't ship Wooden Swan, but I feel a love triangle coming on...

Henry and Belle are really getting minimal screen time, like it is sad. And the scenes that Belle is helpful, SHE IS WITH FRIKIN WILL.

I think Ursula is converted, I mean I honestly don't know. She confuses me right now. Like if I am right Ursula's arc is over and she is redeemed, but it is OUAT, so who knows.

Alright, I have a completely different perspective on Hook now.

I mean he was so sweet, and kinda flirtatious to young Ursula, who BTW IS SOOO PRETTY!!!

But he broke his promise that was drove by anger...

Did I mention that the tangled reference was spot on with Snow? Did anyone else catch that?


But then I want to know who the goddamn author is and what he did to make the Sorcerer trap is butt in THE FRIKIN STORYBOOK!!!!!

And then we see find out what Gold wants...

Now hear me out.

So if Gold does what he wants, and shifts the balance making heroes lose and villains win, and the price of this is to make Emma a villain, then does this mean Emma still gets a happy ending?

This is really something to think about because at this point, it doesn't matter what happens because either way Emma is gonna get her happy ending.

And OMG OQ!!!

What would evil Regina have been protecting Robin from?! Normal Regina? Temptation? I don't know that makes no sense!!

Oh yeah, and it took you six+ weeks to realize that you should call Robin??

I am sorry I love you Regina, but people make long distance relationships work in this world. There are things like Skype and Google Hangouts and FaceTime and oovoo and even just old fashioned phone calls...you have no excuse for waiting this long to try and contact him. I mean other than heartbreak, BUT AS WE SAID YOU COULD HAVE LEFT THE TOWN WITH HIM!!!!!

Whatever anyway, lets talk about the promo now...

So the episode is titled "Best Laid Plans" and I don't think that it has to do with Gold going for Belle anymore. As much as I want Rumbelle to get back together, I am willing to accept that there are bigger problems to solve...

Anyway, I think that it is going to be Regina having to plan her and Emma getting out of storybrooke undetected.

I am 100% going with the fact that Lily is Malificent's daughter, so I have a theory to pitch.

So the promo reveals that we are going to see exactly what Snow and Charming did to take Malificent's kid away, and that they were talking to the apprentice about it.

It also shows a scene where Snow tells Emma that they are still family and Emma replies I don't care.

So we feel the tension rising.

Anyway, I think that Emma is going to find out what Snow and Charming did, and find out that Malificent's daughter is Lily.

At the same time, Regina will have talked to Robin Hood, and told him that there is a way to enter Storybrooke.

Then, Emma and Regina will both leave storybrooke and go to get Lily, Robin, Roland, and Marin.

They will bring them back, plus one who is Lily's daughter, and they will get to storybrooke using the scroll.

But I think it is going to be at least a three episode trip.

They will leave at the end of next episode.

The one after will show them in New York finding and getting everyone, and potentially running into Zelena...

And then the next episode they will return.

Yeah, so that is that, I really need to watch the ep again because my family has no respect for OUAT hour and my little sis was asking a TON of questions because she never watched season one so she has no idea who August is and all of the S1 references made her confused, and she thought that Ursula was Ariel at the beginning and I was just going nope, nope, nope that it is Ursula, you can tell by the way she looks, the fact that Poseidon the jerk face called her Ursula, and the #URSULA sitting in the bottom of the screen....

Anyway, I am going to apologize in advance, because I have an extremely stressful and busy week ahead of me and I might not be to active, sorry!!

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