The Author and Time Period

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All right it's theory time!!

So first things first Isaac.

So we know that he wasn't the first author, nor was he the last, however it is unclear to us exactly who the author was before Isaac.

While we do get a hint at Walt Disney when August refers to "a man named Walt" whilst explaining what the author is, we can't consider that canon proof because I have a friend named Walt, it is only a first name, there are many people that are named Walt, so we need further proof.

So Isaac was selling televisions in the finale, color televisions to be specific.

I did a little research to find out when color televisions were starting to come out and I found this, "The first program in color, on September 19, 1966, was the premiere episode of That Girl, an ABC show. KENI was a primary affiliate of both NBC and ABC"

Now to my own knowledge you couldn't see color without a color tv, therefore the first color televisions were sold in the year of 1966-that is only in the US, different countries had different years.

The apprentice is talking about the previous author just having died.

Walt Disney died December 15, 1966.

That is ten days before Christmas, and as we see, the shop that Isaac is working at is playing Christmas music and is decorated accordingly.

If I am right (which you know I am hoping I am) then Isaac maintained the role of the author for ~49 years, depending on if the OUAT universe is actually caught up to present day and is in 2015.

But the point is, Isaac doesn't look like he has aged a day.

Now this is because the same actor played the roles, however, OUAT could have cast and older man to play Isaac or a younger man for flashbacks.

But they didn't.

A man that looks in his late twenties early thirties appearance would have changed drastically over the course of nearly fifty years.

So the author doesn't age.

Well I suppose that wouldn't make any since because obviously Walt died and unless we are getting some really cool backstory for Walt Disney that didn't actually happen in his lifespan on earth that led to his death, he died of old age.



Walt died of lung cancer, in other words was killed by a disease in our world.

Then what happens to Henry?

I think he will age, I mean he has to Jared Gilmore is a teenager so he will obviously go through many changes as far as aging and appearance.

But, that doesn't mean he can die from it.

He will age, but I think there will be a certain point where he will stop aging and at that point it will just be forever until the pen passes on.

Another theory is that maybe Isaac simply wrote that he can't die, making him immortal like Rumple, or anyone in Neverland.

Poke holes if you please, but I tried.

Let me know what you think, tell me your theories, and all of your comments and votes are very much appreciated!

Three days down....this is gonna be a long few months.

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