Lily Synopsis

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Emma's potential for darkness is looming over everyone, but when Emma realizes Maleficent's daughter Lily is in fact her closest friend from her foster care days, she resolves to find Lily and reunite her with her mother. Regina joins forces with Emma and together they set out to track down Lily and to warn Robin about Zelena. However, neither of them is prepared for the harsh realities they'll encounter in the outside world. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Gold faces a crisis involving Belle. In a foster care flashback, things are looking up for young Emma with her new family until Lily's appearance threatens to destabilize everything.


So I have a feeling that this is going to be a really good episode. I mean we have Regina and Emma working together to save Robin to unite OQ, plus we have them looking for Lily, and I think that's gonna bring out a little dark!Emma so that is going to be fun to watch.

Then we have Rumple in a crisis with Belle, and honestly I don't care what the crisis is or how horrible insults are thrashed between the two, they will be together, and at some point those stills that we had a long time ago with Rumple and Belle together will have to come into play.

And we get more on Emma's past with foster care and on Lily, which I love because Abby Ross is such an amazing actress and she does a great job playing Emma's past.

So overall this didn't give much that we didn't already know to us, except we are pretty much guaranteed rumbelle scenes..

I think that this is the third time in a row I've said this, but I think this one will be the best of the season...

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