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Yes it is that time again.

Okay so a few of you noticed that I deliberately avoided the topic of August calling the Author Walt last night.

This is because I wanted to do a little research on the topic before I shared my tale.

So look, for those of you who didn't know Walt is the first name of the person who made even the idea of OUAT possible, Walt Disney.

August mentioned something about the Author doing something different with the stories than what had ever happened before.

I did a little research and read some older fairytales and it contradicted what I first thought.

Because at first I figured the author that we have now was Walt, that he had changed things by giving heroes happy endings.

But that isn't reality.

Even in the older stories, such as Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, many heroes and protagonists got their happy endings.

But the difference is that many villains did as well.

In the little mermaid Ariel dies, and in Rapunzel the poor girl gets decapitated, leaving the antagonists of the story to win.

So yes, when Walt Disney came along he made villains always lose and heroes always win, and that was an issue for all of the villains, except we see some of those villains seek redemption.

For example in Disney's Cinderella 3 we see Anastasia get her happy ending with the baker, and in theory, she was a villain.

So Walt was biased it seems, but in this case, the stories he wrote gave some villains happy endings.

The author that we know now-and I am like 99% sure his name is Gorin unless they changed it-has a different motive. He wants to make his stories interesting. For him, sending a child through a portal to rip her away from this villainous dragon, is more interesting, and let's face it, you would rather read that than a gushy story about Malificent raising her child.

When he writes these stories, he makes the heroes, no matter how bad the act that they preform, always come out on top, because that is what is expected of a good story.

The sorcerer appointed Gorin as the author, and it seems he immediately regretted it, and so he locked him in the book.

But here's the issue.

The author continued to write even when he was trapped inside the book. So the punishment that he was given wasn't that effective.

But we know that the Author is always replaced, question is, who will replace him.

Now many people think that Rumple is going to be the next author, and I totally respect that, but honestly I think it is going to be August.

I mean think about it, he is already a writer, and he is extremely well taught on the subject of the author, and it seems that he would be someone that the sorcerer would choose.

So now that that is over with, I suppose I should talk about Gold.

I am not going to dissect the promo yet, but I am gonna just let you all think about that one moment in the promo that Rumple was sitting in the hospital bed.

So I was scrolling through tumblr and thank god I found this.

So what I read said that basically Rumple might have been in the hospital in the past.

So I thought about it and built on it, and here is my theory.

Rumple is hundreds of years old, and theoretically you can't live for more than a roughly a century.

So when Rumple left Storybrooke he started feeling the age take its toll. He was probably taken to a hospital and he only looks like a middle aged fifty year old and so the doctors would treat it that way. He probably got some sort of heart transplant, and it would only hold him over for a little while, because Rumple knew what was happening.

In the original French Beauty and the Beast, the Beast sets the Beauty free and she returns to her family. But after a while, the beast couldn't bear the pain any longer so he laid down to die of a broken heart. Fortunately, the beauty comes in and saves the day, kissing him and breaking his curse and they live happily ever after.

I think this is what is going to happen to Rumple. He knows (or thinks) he can't have his happy ending unless the author writes it that way, and he doesn't want to be healed by Belle just to have himself constantly ripped from her and making her life miserable.

There is one thing that I have learned about Rumple, he is dark, the darkest a living being could get, and almost always that darkness wins out. But on very few occasions, it doesn't. During the times that he was with Bae, and with Belle, and really with Henry, love broke that barrier and made him stronger than he was before, it made the darkness disappear into a void and the lightness surface.

Anyway, I am sorry that I went on so much, but that is just how I feel about him.


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