Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation

Start from the beginning

"If you think that is wise, we will bar the door to keep the book our secret," she said with a cocky grin. "Remember, later, I wish for you to show me your bedroom. If you don't have multiple pillows, we shall buy more. The drawing shows a position that claims to be most enjoyable." He reached for her and she dodged out of his reach while laughing.

"I will not forget your mischievousness," he said with a playful frown. "Go and speak to Charlotte. Perhaps my mother taught her something."

She whirled around and headed for the hall to go upstairs. There was no one around and she knew the butler likely kept busy elsewhere. She climbed the stairs and found Charlotte sitting by her window staring outside. Vivian tapped on the door.

"Come in, Vivian. It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop. We may need to postpone our buggy ride."

"I am most content being here." She pulled the book from her pocket and joined her on the window seat. "Ben and I have been testing our compatibility. I was unsure if he desired me enough for us to marry. His kisses put butterflies in my stomach and make my breasts ache. By what the book says, this is a good sign. Ben reacted to me as well by growing hard between his legs. I felt it."

Charlotte's eyes grew huge. "You touched him?" she said with shock.

"No, Silly. I was sitting on his lap while we kissed." She smiled dreamily. "He definitely desires me. But I need to know a few things. Did your mother tell you how to prevent pregnancy?"

Her astonishment of such a question turned her cheeks a bright pink. "Sponge and vinegar; you buy it at the apothecary's shop. Not you, but Ben should get it. You aren't planning to make love to him already, are you?"

Vivian shook her head. "We must be prepared first. Ben said that my father is worried about us having a child while I am this young. I, of course, agree that waiting is wise. We shall take measures to ensure my safety. I spoke to him about the book and since it belongs to Father, we will buy our own. Our sex life should be enjoyable, don't you think? Michael said he wouldn't marry a girl who didn't desire him. I am sure most men feel as he does."

"Your brothers are quite direct with you, aren't they? Neither Ben or Owen would discuss this topic with me."

"You have a mother. It is her place to do so. But if you wish to know more, Radley will discuss this with you. Unlike Ben, he is not a virgin. I heard him talking about a widow he sees. He said she enjoyed having him in her bed."

Her eyes turned to slits. "He's sleeping with a widow?"

"No, he has sex with her. But I am sure that is over. Now he wishes to have sex with you."

Charlotte lowered her face into her hands as she laughed. "I believe you are correct. But I couldn't discuss sex with Radley," she said shaking her head. "Such a topic is considered unsuitable before marriage."

"Why not? Radley is courting you," Vivian declared. "He believes it is important to communicate our thoughts. Though I doubt he does that with the widow he was visiting. I like it that I will be Ben's first bedmate. My father never had a mistress when married to my mother. Though, he does have one now. I overheard Radley tell Michael that he had seen her."

Charlotte relaxed her shoulders. "I believe my parent have a solid relationship because they make all these noises after they go to bed. They also laugh so it must be fun," she said with a smile. "But my mother doesn't speak of it with me."

"Would she if you asked her?" She watched Charlotte shake her head wildly. "Then you should read this book to learn the ways of it. I'm sure Radley practices such positions. He has read it often. There is a section that explains where a woman finds pleasure on her body."

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