Chapter Six

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A/N: As per a winning request, I am giving an update 💜.

Yu Mi removed her hand from Jin's mouth and whispered an apology, "I am sorry."

Jin was beyond confused and startled; he didn't understand what that was all about, making him even more curious now. "It's okay, but can you tell me what the forbidden word is? Is it Appa or mom?"

Yu Mi looks down at her feet and whispers out, "it's the first one."

"Oh, and who said it's a forbidden word, your dad?"

Looking up, Yu Mi fiddled with her washcloth in her hand and then looked at Jin, "Y-yeah, but please don't tell him."

Hearing her talk made Jin concerned, "would he be mad at you?"

"I don't think so. My dad does not really get mad at me unless I do something bad, but I think he would be sad."

A sense of relief washed over Jin hearing that Jungkook wouldn't get upset with her. "oh okay, tell you what, this will stay between us, I won't say anything, okay?"

"Pinky promise?" Yu Mi invites, holding out her pinky finger towards Jin.

Jin smiles and intertwines his pinky with hers, "I pinky promise. Let's finish your shower to go work on some artwork I have for you to do today. Your dad tells me you love painting and drawing."

Hearing that she would be doing artwork made Yu Mi happy; she loved drawing and painting. It was a skill he acquired from her dad. Whenever she did it, it made her happy. It was how her dad kept her happy even in sad times.

"Can Ye Jun paint too?"

"Of course, I have something for him to do today; we are going to do a lot of learning, and then later, we can have fun."

"I like to learn; my dad said learning is important, and if I learn a lot, I can be really, really smart. I can't wait to go to school, but daddy said, you are a teacher, and you will teach me before I go to school as he doesn't want me to go yet. Is that true?"

Jin helps her out of the tub, "that's true. I am a teacher; I will help you learn whatever it is you want to learn, so when you go to school, you will be ready."

"Yay, I am excited. Oh, and can you make B-Bim, umm what's it called again?" Yu Mi puts her hand to her jaw as she tries to remember what her dad told her to have Jin make for dinner.

Jin looked at her and smiled at how adorable she was, "Bibimbap? Your dad told me earlier, I will make it for you."

"Thank you. My dad really loved the dinner you made yesterday. I think he will like B-bibimbap too."

This was news to Jin; he took a step back so he could look at Yu Mi well, "you dad ate the dinner I made"

Yu Mi shakes her, "he did. I told him it was good and so he ate it and then he had more and two of my cupcakes, and I didn't want him having two, but he did and said it was really really good."

He should have choked. Jin thought to himself but didn't say it out loud.

"Interest, well, do let me know what else I make, and your dad eats, okay?"



For the remainder of the mid-morning until the late afternoon, Jin had Yu Mi do some paintings. Then he began teaching Ye Jun how to spell his name along with teaching him his alphabet.

Jin found that Ye Jun, although quiet, he spoke a little when he wanted to. Which was mainly saying "no and dada." He surprised Jin by saying "uh-oh" when his sister spilled some paint onto Jin's leg.

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