Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jin took a deep breath, not liking to see Yu Mi pouting the manner she was, sitting next to her; he embraced her close to him, "your father was kidding earlier; we didn't have a baby only because he wanted us to. Truthfully, it's hard to explain to you right now, but we had a baby because it happened that way, not because you requested us to either. I was pregnant with your sister before you asked; your dad and I didn't realize at the time. Nonetheless, it was because of you why we were so joyful when we discovered out we were having a girl because we knew it would make you happy too."

"Really? Does that mean you had my sister even when I asked?" Yu Mi asked while looking up at Jin.

The way she phrased her question had Jin laughing, "Yes, I did, but we only found out on your birthday."

"That day, I remember being happy."

"Aww, I'm glad you were," Jin muttered.

"So how does it happen? How do you and daddy have a baby? Uncle Taehyung said you have to love someone in bed to have a baby, but how do you love someone in bed-"

"Okay, let's stop. With all these curious thoughts about someone having a baby and how someone bears a child, you are going to get chained to this house for the rest of your life," Jungkook said before Yu Mi could ask any further questions.

Jin turned to him and struggled to contain his laughter, as Yu Mi turned back to him and frowned, "I will ask Uncle Taehyung." she said with a pout.

"No, you will not! Having a baby is something only people do when they are in their forties; little girls like you should never think about something like having a baby or even how babies are made. It's a very nasty and horrible process to have a baby. Do you understand me, Jeon Yu Mi?"

Not comfortable with hearing her full name, Yu Mi wrinkles her nose, "but you are not in your forties – You have my sister, my brother, and me. You did not wait or follow the rules, Appa-"

"It doesn't matter; the rules have changed, especially for you-"

"Okay, enough, Jungkook. I'll talk to Yu Mi about this." Jin snapped at Jungkook, who appeared to be eager to argue with his six-year-old.


While holding Ye Jun while he sipped his banana milk happily, Jin sat beside Jungkook, "You should thank me." "Yu Mi is no longer focused on learning how babies are made, nor does she want to have another sibling."

Jungkook's gaze flicked to Jin with a slight smirk. "How is it that? I bet you didn't tell her you were pregnant?"

"Nope, she does not know; we promised to hold off on telling her, and all I did was have her clean her sister's poop. She found it very disgusting and nasty, so I told her that's what babies do all the time."

"Is that it?" Jungkook asked with a roll of the eyes, knowing he could have done better.

"This approach was ten times better than the one you made. You had been ready to argue with her, but she is young and curious, and she will ask questions one day. It's going to come to a point where one day we will have to discuss sex with her."

"Not happening; she will never learn about sex. She is a child!" Jungkook said, getting up from his seat, earning a confused look from Ye Jun, who then looked at Jin; seeing Jin was relaxed, he rested his head on Jin's chest and held his banana milk box closer as he drank.

Jin shook his head and sighed, "she is going to grow up, Jungkook. It's the cycle of life, and you can't stop her from figuring out what it is or doing it at some point in her life."

"Oh, I can stop her. She won't be seeing the sun or stepping foot out of this house for the rest of her life."

"Okay, whatever you say. Could you give me a Ye Jun some quiet time? Your ignorance is upsetting our peaceful afternoon."

Jungkook stood staring at Jin, who didn't bother to look back at him. "I'm going to apologize to Yu Mi for the way I was earlier, and I'm sorry, you're right, I'm being overly dramatic."

"And that is just what you should do, glad you know I am right."


Jin awoke from his nap on the sofa, smiling as he felt Jungkook's hand massaging his feet; rubbing his eyes, he looked down to where Jungkook was sitting. "How long did I sleep for?"

"Not much time, maybe five or six hours."

His eyes grew wide as he sat up, "wait, what? Why did you not wake me up?"

"You were tired; why would I wake you? The kids are asleep, well, except Yu Mi, her favorite uncle, called her as I was about to put her to bed. They are on facetime. He is taking her and Ye Jun this weekend. I need to give him a warning about what he tells them when he takes them out, or I won't allow him to take them again without my supervision."

Jin hummed, "sure; you do that. Did you cook, or did you order something in for them to eat?"

"I cooked macaroni and cheese, but Ye Jun wouldn't eat it since it was obvious you didn't make it, so I made him chicken nuggets, and then I told him you made it for him before you went to sleep."

After Jin laughed, he asked, "did he eat it?"

"Yeah, Yu Mi got him to eat it. After I had bathed him, he walked into the living room and placed himself down on the sofa, laid on your stomach, and fell asleep. Amazed he didn't wake you up."

"Wow, he didn't. I was so tired; I don't know when I fell asleep. I have noticed this to be common with me when I am pregnant, but after four months, it gets better, or at least I hope it ends up the same as the last time."

Jungkook nods, understanding, "your body is probably adjusting to you being pregnant, which reminds me, I wanted to ask because I know we never spoke about these things, but have you ever given any thought to how many kids you want us to have?"

Jin sat up more into the sofa, pulling his legs away from Jungkook and folding them, "Well, not us in particular, I never gave it much thought since we got together, but before you, I have always wanted four, two boys, two girls. Which I feel like I will have now, I take Yu Mi and Ye Jun as my own along with our daughter and now our son who is on the way; why do you ask?"

He smiled, Jin's inclusion of Ye Jun and Yu Mi always made him happy, "I was only curious; four seemed like a good number then. I never thought about having kids, but after Yu Mi, I realized they could transform one's life."

"I have always wanted kids, as you can tell from my career choice I love them, and yes, kids are innocent and sweet, you should especially thankful for those two because, without them, you wouldn't have met me, and how sad that would have been for you," Jin said teasingly as he looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook pulled him towards him, sitting him on his lap, "you know you should be so glad you are pregnant because it's saved you from a lot of the things I wanted to do to you, especially with your mouth and how quick you are to say things."

"Stop using my pregnancy as an excuse; you know that you are all words and no action," Jin rubbed himself gently against Jungkook.

A frightening scream leaves Jin as Jungkook flips him and pins him down onto the sofa, "you are going to regret those words."

"I am looking forward to it, now. Can you stop talking and start showing me what you are capable of?" Jin said with a smirk as he recovered from being thrown down onto the sofa.

'Don't hurt Appa.' Ye Jun said, interrupting Jin and Jungkook, and unexpectedly he reached out his hand to hold Jin's hand.

Jungkook drew in a deep breath and pulled away from Jin, "yeah, right after you put him back to bed." he said, staring at his son, who was glaring at him.



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Let us meet again soon in another Jinkook book 💜. 

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