Chapter Twenty

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Jin pulled the covers over his head as Jungkook tries pulling it off him. "Stop, it's too early."

"Fine, but if your breakfast gets cold-" Jungkook didn't have to say anything more as Jin sat up and rubbed his face, "you made me breakfast?" Jin looked at Jungkook and the tray he was holding.

"I did; I don't know if you like your orange juice with ice, so I put it to the side; you can add it if you want. I have to go and pick up the kids from my parents; after you eat, you can go back to sleep." Jungkook places the tray on the bed and leans over, kissing Jin on his forehead, "thanks for cuddling with me last night."

There was a dumbfounded look on Jin's face as he watches Jungkook leave the room. It was the first time anyone had made him breakfast in bed. Sure, Jimin had prepared him stuff, but as best friends, it's what they did for each other. Jungkook doing this was unexpected considering what he told him the night before. He thought he would be the one preparing breakfast.

Keeping the tray in place, he gets off the bed and leaves his room to go to the bathroom to clean up before having the breakfast Jungkook made him.

Jin lay back on the bed, his stomach stuff; he had eaten everything on the tray down to the fresh fruits, along with drinking the coffee and orange juice. He knows he had overdone, but he didn't want Jungkook coming back and thinking he didn't enjoy it.

After some time of lying down, he got off the bed and began roaming around Jungkook's room when his phone rang. Seeing it was Jimin, he smiled and answered it.

"I didn't think you would pick up."

"Very funny, what's up?" Jin smiled and continued looking around Jungkook's room.

"I should be the one asking you how last night was? Is he as big as he seems?"

Jin sighs, "unfortunately, I wouldn't know. All we did was cuddle." he responded while opening Jungkook's night table drawer.

"Wait, nothing happen-"

"He lied to me!" Jin yells out after opening Jungkook's night table drawer to find several boxes of condoms.

Jin sat down on the bed in disbelief, looking at the open drawer, "Jimin, I need to call you back."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"No, it's just last night, he brought me back here, having me think something was going to happen, but nothing happened, only a kiss on the lips. When I tried heating things up, he stopped me and told me that he didn't have any condoms, but what do I find this morning, boxes of condoms in his drawer."

Jimin chuckled on the phone, making Jin even more annoyed, "maybe he likes you and doesn't want to have sex with you. I mean, he has two kids to think about, and you are their amazing nanny. If I were him, I wouldn't want to do anything to screw that up."

Jin sighs and lays back on the bed, "probably, but he should have just said that rather than lie about not having condoms when he did."

"Oh, shut it, Jin. I think it's cute that all you did was cuddle. It's time you find someone to date and not just sleep with."

"Look at you telling me what to do, just because you found Namjoon, you think you are elite?"

"I am elite. Have you seen my man?"

"Does you man know you used to sleep with your best friend?"

Jin drops the phone as Jungkook cleared his throat. Eyes wide, he picks up the phone, "J-Jimin, I will call you back." Looking over at Jungkook, he pushes the draw closed and stood up, "Hey, you are back; where are the kids?"

Mr. Handsome & Wealthy | Jinkook ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora