Chapter Fifteen

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"I miss you so much," Jimin whines into the phone to Jin. It had been two weeks since he had last seen his best friend, and it was driving him insane.

Jin stroked Ye Jun's cheek, who had fallen asleep in his arms, and sighed into the phone, "I miss you too, why don't you come to visit me here tomorrow? You can take the day from work and come to stay here with the kids and me."


"Yes, really, I am sure Jungkook won't mind. I will talk to him about it later." Jin assured Jimin. For the past two weeks, he had been sleeping at Jungkook's home due to Ye Jun's injury; he didn't feel comfortable leaving him knowing he wasn't well, and Ye Jun had now stuck to him even more than before. Once Ye Jun got better, he would return to his regular schedule.

After confirming the details with Jimin for the next day and promising him he would cook something delicious for him, he hung up the phone and took Ye Jun to his bed as Yu Mi followed behind him. She was on her tablet, watching a movie, which kept her quiet for some time.

"Are you hungry?" Jin asked upon leaving Ye Jun's room and making his way down the stairs with Yu Mi.

Yu Mi shook her head, "yes, can I have bikimpbap."

Jin tried to suppress his laugh at her pronunciation, and ever since the first time he made it due to her father wanting it; it had become a favorite of hers. Although she only ate the meat out of it each time and picked at the rest, never finishing the entire thing. However, it didn't matter to him; what mattered was she enjoyed his meals and made the cutest sounds as she ate, praising his cooking. He always found kids to be adorable, but Yu Mi and Ye Jun had won his heart more than any other kid he had ever met.

"Sure, let's go to the kitchen. Do you want to help me cook? We can prepare some new cupcakes for you too, what do you think?"

"Yes! Can we make pumpkin cupcakes?"

"Of course." Jin picked her up in his arms and walked towards the kitchen. Since being at Jungkook, he had now helped a lot with grocery shopping, not liking how Jungkook did his grocery shopping before. He had everything delivered, Jin, on the other hand, like going into the supermarket, so he could see, feel, and touch everything he bought, especially when it came to fruits and vegetables.

While Jin focused on preparing dinner, Yu Mi watched the cake mixer and added each ingredient Jin had set out once Jin told her. "Are you going to live with us forever?" Yu Mi surprised Jin by asking. "I like it when you are here with us. You make everything more fun and pretty."

Jin looks at her and smiles, "I make everything more fun and pretty?"

"Yes, you do. My room is so pretty because you helped me with it. My daddy doesn't know how to make it pretty, he tried one time, but I didn't like it. I like it that you are here, Ye Jun too."

"I am happy you like what we did to your room. Your dad is not good with coordinating colors, but he tries. I like being here with you too, but I can't live with you. I have a lot of things to do outside of here. My friend misses me too when I stay here too long. After Ye Jun gets better, I will go back home, but I promise, I will spend at least one night here with you and Ye Jun, okay?"

Yu Mi slanted her head as she stared at Jin, "would you live here if you didn't have a home and a friend?"


Jin should have gotten used to Jungkook's eating habit, but he hadn't. He had made a lot of food, the food he thought would have some leftover for the next day, which he could share with Jimin, but there was now none, not even a spoonful remaining after Jungkook was finished eating.

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