Chapter Fourteen

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Six months later

Yoongi sucks on Jin's neck as he thrust hard into him. Jin's eyes roll back, and he bites into his lower lip, loving everything Yoongi was doing to his body as he came. It had been a long time since he had seen Yoongi, and the way he greeted him was exactly what he needed after the tiring week he had had a work.

It was late after work when he decided to meet up with Yoongi; usually, after the day he had, he would want nothing more than to go home and relax, but tonight when Yoongi texted him, it was perfect; it was like Yoongi had read his mind and knew what he wanted.

He felt Yoongi twitch inside of him and grunt as he cums, his lips make their way to Jin's, kissing him passionately as he rides out his orgasm. Coming down from his high, he pulls out of Jin and gets off the bed, removing the condom and dumping it in his bedside trashcan.

Falling back onto the bed, he pulls Jin's body to his and kisses him, lowering his hand between their bodies and insert two fingers into Jin as he worked himself up to an erection again.

"I missed you," he tells Jin as he thrust his fingers into him.

Jin smiled against his lips, kissing him, and then pulling away, "I missed you too."

Hearing that for Yoongi was a lot; he had been contemplating asking Jin to be his boyfriend and felt like now was the perfect time to do so. "Jin, how do you feel-" his words are cut off as Jin's phone begins ringing. He couldn't say anything more as Jin pulls out of his hold, almost diving towards the side table to grab his phone.

"H-hello?" He watched Jin clear his throat and presses his lips together. "What happened?" he sees Jin's expression turns to one of worry, "Oh my gosh, no, of course not, I will be right there, text me which one you are at." Jin jumps off the bed as he hung up the phone and began grabbing his clothes.

Yoongi sat up and looks at him, confused, "Is everything okay?"

"N-no, umm, it's Ye Jun, he fell a-and, I d-don't know. I need to go." Jin hurries to get dressed, running to Yoongi's bathroom; he washes his hands and face before leaving and letting Yoongi know he would call him.


Jin rushes through the hospital door and ran like crazy up the hospital's stairs to the floor Jungkook told him he was on, not even looking to take the elevator. He was losing his mind on his drive to the hospital; the thought of something happening to Ye Jun would ruin him; he couldn't imagine it. It would break his heart.

He was out of breath when he found the room they were in. When he entered, he saw Yu Mi in Jungkook's arms sleeping, and Ye Jun on the hospital bed with a cast on his arm sound asleep.

"You are here-"

"What happened? Is he okay? Why is he like that? What happened, Jungkook?" Jin had tears in his eyes as he stared from Jungkook to Ye Jun.

Jungkook was stunned to see Jin's reaction; he knew Jin adore the kids but never imagine he would be this concerned. He had only called Jin asking him to take care of Yu Mi while spending the night with Ye Jun in the hospital. "He fell from the swing outside and fractured his arm."

"What?! What do you mean he fell from the swing? What was he doing on the swing at night? Are you being serious, Jungkook?"

"Jin." Yu Mi calls out as she wakes up from Jin's yelling. Sliding out of her father's arm, she goes over to Jin and hugs him, "Ye Jun got hurt."

Jin picks her up while glaring at Jungkook and hugs her; his eyes soften as he looks at her, "I know baby, how did he get hurt?"

"Daddy was in the shower, and Ye Jun was crying, and I wanted to make him stop, but he wouldn't. Then I opened the back door and brought him outside, so he stopped crying. Since you and Daddy always put him on the swing, I tried putting him there, but he was heavy, and I couldn't hold him, so he fell; I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt Ye Jun." Jin hugged her even more to his chest and kissed her forehead.

"I knew you didn't mean to, sweetie, but you know you are not allowed outside of the house without your father knowing. What if something more had happened to you? I am disappointed that you did that; you should have called your father if he didn't stop crying or use the home phone and call me, you know I would answer." Yu Mi nods and lays her head on Jin's shoulder. Jin then looked Jungkook's way, his glare returning, "why wasn't the alarm on?!"

Jungkook stared at him and then look down at his hands; he felt like both he and Yu Mi were getting in trouble with Jin for what had happened to Ye Jun. "I forgot to put it back on after taking out the trash and would have put it back on, but I didn't plan on taking a shower yet. It's just Ye Jun vomited, and he made a mess of my clothes-"

"I don't want to excuses; you should have out the alarm back on. The kids should not be roaming around outside at night, Jungkook! do you know worse could have happened?!"

"I know that! Do you think I wanted this to happen? Do you think I am happy seeing my son in the hospital bed with a broken arm?"

"Whatever it doesn't matter, I am staying here with Ye Jun. You can take Yu Mi home, and this is just freaking unbelievable. My baby must be in so much pain." Jin says as he walks over to Ye Jun and looks at him, tears falling down his face as he looks at the small boy with a cast that was four times the size of his arm wrapped around it.

Jungkook sighs and gets up from his seat; he was already in a crappy moody for what had happened. He didn't have it in him to argue with Jin. "They set his arm back in place, gave him some medicine to help with the pain, and said within six weeks to eight weeks, and it should heal. They are keeping him overnight to monitor him for any fever and pain management."

Jin didn't look at Jungkook; he rubbed Yu Mi's back and stared down at Ye Jun, hoping the next couple of weeks would come quickly so he could be back to the Ye Jun he knew. Seeing him in the hospital wasn't something he was okay with or prepared for; when he had left Ye Jun, he was in perfect health, now he wasn't, and it bothered Jin.

"I want to stay here with him. You take Yu Mi home, and I will pay you for working tonight and through tomorrow depending on how long I stay here."

Turning to look at Jungkook, Jin rolls his eyes, "you think I am concerned about pay right now?"


"You are seriously freaking ridiculous; if anything else happens to him under your care, you are not going to like it!" Jin snaps at Jungkook; he knew he was probably too much, but he couldn't help himself; he was very emotional overseeing what had happened to Ye Jun; it bothered him.

Jungkook takes a deep breath, "I am sorry, I should have been more careful with taking care of them and ensure the alarm was on."

"It's okay, and it's not your fault. These things, unfortunately, happen with young kids when you take your eyes off them. You said he was vomiting; why?"

Rubbing his hand behind his neck, Jungkook wasn't sure he wanted to admit why Ye Jun had vomited. "He took a sip of something he didn't like."

"What was that?"

"Well, I was working on something for work, and I had coffee, he-"

"You gave him coffee?!"

"Oh god, no, he took it. I didn't give it to him."

"And you think that makes it better?" Jin asked while staring at Jungkook.

Jungkook shook his head, now understanding perfectly the kind of teacher Jin was, "no, it doesn't."


A/N: Happy Holidays!!! 💜💜💜

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