Chapter Five

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Jungkook was about to leave the kitchen when he heard Jin leave, but the sound of his daughter's footsteps made him stay.

"Baby, I thought you went to bed?"

Yu Mi rubbed her eyes, walking closer to her dad, opening her arms for him to pick her up, "I did, but then I woke up."

"You had a nightmare?" Jungkook questioned, feeling worried as to why she had woken up suddenly.

"No." Yu Mi responded, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Okay, do you want me to put you back to bed-"

"No, I want to stay up with you."

Jungkook hummed, "Alright, you can, but I have to put you down as daddy needs to have something to eat."

Yu Mi allowed him to put her down, and she climbed onto one of the chairs in the kitchen, "are you going to eat Jin's dinner?"

"No, I am going to have ramen."

Yu Mi stares at her dad and frowns, "No, try the dinner Jin made and the cupcake. It was really, really good. I liked it so much. It's better than grandma's."

Jungkook's eyes widen, "you ate all your dinner?"

"I did, I ate it all, and then I had dessert. Jin said after dinner is dessert, not snacks. I think you should have Jin's dinner."

"You think so?" Jungkook asked, doubting if he should.


"Okay, I will."

He found the containers with the food Jin made and shared himself some as his daughter watched him.

"Sit." Yu Mi pats the chair next to hers as he finished warming his food.

Jungkook did as she requested and sat down, taking the first bite; his eyes widened, and he looked at Yu Mi, who was watching him intently.

"You like it?"

Chewing the food thoroughly out of his mouth, he smiled at her, "I do. It's delicious."

"I know. Jin cooks well, better than you."

Jungkook could only nod in agreement; his daughter was correct. The food was excellent. He needed seconds, he knew Jin said he could cook, but this surpasses his expectations.

"You should have him make you bibimbap tomorrow."


"Yes, Bibimbap, make him make a lot, okay? But don't say daddy told you to ask for it."

"Okay, B-Bibimbap, and don't say you told me to ask him. I got it."

Jungkook ate, then ate again, and had two of the cupcakes Jin made, earning him a frown from his daughter as she told him to only have one.

It had been a long time since he had such a good home cook meal. He often cooked for him and his kids, but his cooking skills were average, whereas Jin's cooking and baking skills seemed above average. He was now going to use Jin's cupcake recipe to make cupcakes.


"How was your first day?" Jimin asked Jin, who was on the sofa surfing through the t.v., channels.

Jin gave him one look, and Jimin instantly knew, "was it bad?"

"No, the kids are adorable and sweet. Oh my gosh, they are sweet. I feel like they knew me, and I know them. We had a great day together, but their fucking father is an asshole! I was being polite and left some dinner for him, and he was like, "don't do that" like bitch, do you think I wanted to leave you food? I was only being kind."

"Wow, sounds like an asshole. I happy the kids were nice to you thought. Did you find out anything about their mom or appa? Why is he alone with them, do you know?" Jimin sat next to Jin while inquiring.

Jin shrugged his shoulder, "I have no clue, and I don't really care. By the way, I might stay there tomorrow night if he comes home late again; the drive is horrible for me to commute so many times back and forth. I will probably stay there two days out of the week. The guest room is charming and Yu Mi, gosh you have to meet her, she is a whole princess.

Ye Jun, he is adorable, super cute. He clung to me most of the day, and his smile warms your heart."

Jimin listened to his friend gushed about the kids and smiled to himself; he knew that Jin would get attached to them without a doubt.


The next morning, Jin was on time, something Jungkook was grateful for as he had to leave to work early.

"Yu Mi told me last night she wants you to make her Bibimbap today; the ingredients should be there; make her a lot of it; she likes it with bulgogi. I prepared her breakfast already, so you don't have to make that. Ye Jun, you can have one of his food cups, and for lunch, you can make them what they want." Jungkook informs Jin as he takes his briefcase from the table in his foyer and walks out of the house.

Jin didn't have a moment to respond to Jungkook as he walked out of the house. "rude." he muttered to himself.

Taking the bag, he had brought with him to the guest room Jungkook had shown him before. Then he walked around the house to see if there was anything he could do before the kids woke up.

Going into Yu Mi's room, he noticed her laundry was undone, so gathering them. Bringing them to the laundry room, separating her dark colors, bright colors, and white into three different loads and began washing them. Setting a timer so he would remember when to start the next load.

After doing laundry, he woke up Ye Jun and bathed him, then fed him. As soon as he ate, he began falling back to sleep in Jin's arms. It made Jin wonder if he had woken up during the night why he was so sleepy.

Letting him sleep, Jin brought him back to his bed; by that time, Yu Mi had woken up and was ready to shower.

"Did you wake up after I left last night?" Jin asked as he guided Yu Mi through her shower.

"I did. I had a nightmare, but then dad talked to me until I was sleepy again." Yu Mi admits while showering herself.

Jin felt bad hearing she had a nightmare, which made him curious, "do you have nightmares a lot?"

Yu Mi shakes her head, "sometimes, but daddy worries when I have nightmares, so I don't tell him all the time."

"But it's not good to hide it, sweetie, you should tell him so he can help you." Jin reassures her; as curiosity got the best of him, he decided to ask her about her other parent, "Do you know what happened to your Appa or your mo-"

Yu Mi pressed her wet hand over Jin's mouth, "no, don't say that word, it's a forbidden word."

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