Chapter Four

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"I got it!" Yu Mi yelled out excitedly, running towards the front door after hearing the bell ring. It was the first day for her new nanny, and she was delighted.

Jungkook walks hurry behind her with Ye Jun in his arms, who he was about to feed. He was surprised that Seokjin had arrived so early, considering his lateness on the interview day.

"I will open the door, sweetie; we don't know if it's your nanny, let me check first, okay?" Yu Mi frowns at her dad's words and takes a step away from the door.

Ignoring her behavior, Jungkook opens the door the find Jin standing in front, with his hand on a piece of luggage, "good morning Mr. Jeon!" Jin says, looking at Jungkook, and then his eyes met with Ye Jun, "well, hello there-"

"Hi!" Yu Mi pokes her head out, looking up at Jin with a bright smile on her face. "Are you my nanny? I am Yu Mi, and I am five years old, my birthday is-"

"Yu Mi, calm down, and let him come into the house first, please." Jin watches as the little pouts and looks down at her feet as she shuffled away from the door.

Jungkook stepped away from the door, making way for Jin to enter his home. "Please come in."

"Thank you," Jin muttered as he stepped into Jungkook's home, taking his bag with him. Once inside and the door closes, he turned to look at Yu Mi. "Hi Yu Mi, I am Kim Seokjin, but please call me Jin. I am excited for us to spend some time together today so I can get to know you. Are you looking forward to that too?"

Yu Mi smiled and nods her head, "Yes, and you will make my cupcake too?"

Jin chuckled, "I believe I will; what's your favorite kind of cupcake? Do you like red velvet, strawberry, pumpkin, cherry, vanilla, blueberry, lemon? Tell me which one is your favorite?"

Yu Mi eyes were wide as Jin asked her about the many flavors of cupcake, "can I have all of them? My dad only makes me vanilla, but I want the pretty ones too. Can you make the pretty ones for me?"

Again she made Jin laugh, and he nods his head, "of course, we can, not all at once, but I will make you some pretty ones and let you help, okay?"

"Yay, thank you!"

Jungkook cleared his throat, causing Jin to turn and look at him, "why don't I show you around before you get started, as I need to head out to work. Yu Mi sweetie, I am going to show Jin around. Do you want to help give him a tour?"

Yu Mi runs around to her dad, hugging his leg as she looked up to him, "Yes."

Jin didn't say anything as she watched the interaction between them. His eyes wandered to the little boy whose bright eyes were looking at him but remained quiet, "what's your name?"

"That's Ye Jun; he is my brother, my baby brother. He likes cupcakes too, right, daddy?"

"Yes, princess. Now, let's show Jin around. Daddy has to go to work."

Jungkook rests his hand on Yu Mi shoulder, turning her in the direction of where he wanted to go; "follow me; you can retrieve your bag later." he directs to Jin.


After a lovely tour by Yu Mi, Jin was now sitting in Jungkook's office, the one he was interviewed in as he presented his first month's schedule to him.

Although Jin had not spent much time with the kids, he liked them and found them very adorable. He couldn't wait to learn their personality, along with their likes and dislikes.

While he was excited to know the kids, he was not fond of their father. He had an icy way to him. His greeting was without warmth, and he just seemed a lot weirder than Jin had recalled during the interview.

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