Scampering up, Cormac looked at me in fear and disgust before attempting to run off.

"Obliviate." I muttered in my head, removing McLaggen's memory of this encounter. He was still for a second before he rushed off, forgetting previous events.

Once I was done I slumped myself by a wall and buried my head in my hands. What had overcome me to do something like that? Was I going dark? Was I starting to become just like Voldemort?

"Y-Y/N?" Hermione said quietly, walking over to me. "A-are you ok?"

"If I'm being honest Hermione, I'm not." I replied honestly.

Hermione looked at me with concern. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I ignored her question. "Is there anything between you and McLaggen?"

She was taken aback. "N-no! Remember, I love you and only you."

"Good." I said plainly.

"Now do you want to talk about what's going on?" Hermione asked, concerned for my wellbeing.

I shook my head before pulling her closer to me. "No, all I really want is for you to kiss me."

And that's exactly what she did.

The Hogsmeade weekend came quickly and I was to accompany Draco and help him our in whatever way I could.

"What's the plan?" I asked him, as the two of us were sitting in our own carriage to Hogsmeade.

Draco looked around, as if he was double checking that no one was listening in. "I'm going to get someone to give the necklace to Dumbledore, when he touches it he'll get cursed."

There were so many complications with Draco's plan but I didn't voice them. Once the two of us had arrived at Hogsmeade, we made our way to The Three Broomsticks where we waited by the toilets for someone to come. The first person who came on their own was Katie Bell, a Gryffindor who was older than me and Draco.

"Imperio." Draco muttered, his wand pointing at Katie.

Immediately her eyes became lifeless and weird as she proceeded to pick up the package containing the necklace.

"Who are you giving this to?" Draco asked, to double check his spell work.

"Albus Dumbledore." Katie replied.

"Now you ask F/N." Draco instructed.

I asked the same question but this time I got a different response. "It's a surprise."

Draco gave himself a satisfied smirk. "I'm going to get out of here but I want you to stay close to her, make sure she does what she's meant to do."

I nodded and Draco left, leaving me alone in Hogsmeade. Katie met back up with her friend Leanne and when Leanne asked what the mysterious package contained and who it was for, Katie didn't reveal anything.

The two left The Three Broomsticks and I followed, closely behind, making sure I didn't look too suspicious.

"This seems really suspicious Katie! I heard Leanne say. "Maybe you should just leave it."

"It's nothing to do with you, Leanne!" Katie replied, but Leanne wasn't having it. She tried to grab the package out of Katie's hand but Katie tugged back, not willing to let it go so easily. I saw that a rip had been formed in the package, exposing the necklace.

I cursed to myself, frantically trying to find a way to fix what had happened but it was too late. Katie touched the necklace and a once, Katie rose into the air, gracefully with her arms outstretched, as though she was about to fly. But there was definitely something wrong, her eyes were closed and her face was empty of expression.

Then, six feet above the ground, Katie let out a terrible scream. Her eyes flew open but whatever she could see, or whatever she was feeling, was clearly causing her terrible anguish. She screamed and screamed; Leanne started to scream too and seized Katie's ankles, trying to tug her back to the ground.

If someone saw me here, at the scene of the crime, fingers would be pointed at me. Having seen enough, I slipped away and took the first carriage possible to take me back to the castle. Like I expected, Draco was back in the Common Room, waiting to here from me.

"What happened? Did it get to him?" Draco asked me hopefully.

I shook my head. "The packaging slipped and Katie touched it."

"Damn it!" Draco cursed. "How'd it split?"

"Her friend was suspicious and tried to get it off her." I explained.

"What happened after?" interrogated Draco.

"She just rose up in the air and some creepy things happened and then she screamed. Harry and his friends were there and I think before I left, they went to get some help."

Draco scowled. "Stupid Potter, always playing hero."

"I'm sorry it didn't work out Draco." I said.

Draco's mood quickly changed, from anger to fear. "If this doesn't work, he's going to kill me. He's going to kill me F/N!"

I patted his back reassuringly. "You'll find a way Draco."

"What if I don't?" Draco asked me fearfully.

"Trust me on this, you will." I said.

Somehow I had a feeling that Dumbledore already knew of this task. It linked back to the conversation we had in my fifth year. If Dumbledore knew, surely he wouldn't let Draco die? He wouldn't be that heartless?

Then again, Draco wasn't his golden boy Harry so there were no promises on whether Draco's safety was guaranteed. This was just a whole tonne of 'what if's' and there was no definite conclusion or outcome. It was really a game of chance.

But then, if Draco couldn't do it. I would have to do it. I would have to kill the man who had faith in me to help him fight Voldemort. How would everyone react? How would Hermione react? Her once caring, warm-hearted boyfriend turning into a dark, cold-hearted killer?

I had a long road ahead of me, I wasn't looking forward to any part of it.

The Half-Blood Prince | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Six)Where stories live. Discover now