All aboard the Train of Misunderstandings 2

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Draco wasn't exactly sure how he had reached the castle so soon, but here he was walking down its corridors. He knew it all along. He was too late. He always was. And the Hufflepuff would be a better match for her anyway.

"Throes of unrequited love?" Snape's portrait said as he walked past the dungeon's entrance. Draco ignored it. Snape sighed softly.

Draco walked into the Slytherin common room and the dormitories. He shuffled his robes away in his trunk to get the little box out. He stuffed it into his robes, headed out, and didn't stop until he reached the third floor.

In seconds he was falling down the hole onto the Devil's snare. As usual, he conjured flames and then went down the chambers. He had taken the key for Flitwick's chamber and he was keeping it with him.

Ten minutes later, he was in front of the Mirror of Erised. And he couldn't help but feel guilty. He had given Ashlyn his word that he wouldn't come here again, but he had been doing ever since he first saw the mirror.

It might just be a reflection, but at least then he could see it.

"I'm back," Draco said softly as he sat down on the dusty floor in front of the mirror. Inside the mirror he could see his mother, sitting on her favourite armchair, laughing at something his father had said. They were having a casual, happy conversation in his presence. If he was in the mirror, he would be having a good time too.

This was the reflection he had been seeing for days now. But today, something changed. Ashlyn was sitting beside him in the mirror, leaning her head on his shoulder. It seemed so real, that if he reached his hand out, he could touch them. But his hand had always made contact with the cold, smooth glass.

"Didn't expect to see you here," he said. She just smiled back.

Draco sighed. He knew what it meant. All of it. And he could never have it, could he?

"Can I steal the mirror?" he asked suddenly. "Just sneak it off to the Manor?"

Ashlyn looked up at him and then nodded.

Draco closed his eyes. This was what he wanted. But not what he needed, and he knew it. The real Ashlyn would never have agreed to it. If he had mentioned this to her, she'd lose it. She'd call him an idiot and drag him away from the mirror, all the while rambling on about how the mirror was affecting him. It was like the mirror was mocking him. Showing things he could never have...But it was only in the mirror that he could have it.

Ashlyn did warn him that the mirror was dangerous. Now he was experiencing it first hand, and he still couldn't look away.


Ashlyn stood outside the door of the RoR, preparing herself mentally for another struggle. She pulled the door open and got in.

"Hey," she said as she closed the door behind her and sat down in her usual seat. She had been expecting a hello, or at least a nod from the other boy, but she didn't get anything.

Draco just got up abruptly, and without a word, he walked out of the door.

Ashlyn blinked. What? Was something wrong? Maybe she did something wrong? But what?... Nah, she didn't do anything. In fact, she didn't even see him the whole day. So, what was it then? Maybe it is the upcoming Quidditch match...Hmm, still doesn't make perfect sense.

Ashlyn sighed and pulled her books out. Whatever, she had work to complete.


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