Diagon Alley

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Ashlyn was staring out of the window. This was troublesome. Very troublesome. 
All this time she spent her time worrying about the plot and making schemes to save the people she wanted to. But now, she knew nothing of what was supposed to happen. So she had arrived at the conclusion to analyse her feelings, and relationships with others, and just enjoy her peace. That's what she wanted anyway. But it was difficult, really difficult to adjust to the new change. 

She wished the letter from Hogwarts would arrive so that she could get the books from Diagon Alley. Then she would have something to do.

Ashlyn sighed. Adventures were cumbersome, but having no adventures was worse. 

She heaved herself off the floor and went downstairs to the drawing-room.

On the shelf, the occupants of the two painting she had bought were chatting animatedly. Harry was polishing his firebolt on the floor, with Ginny leaning against his back, legs propped up on the sofa, where Hermione and Ron were reading the newspaper together.

Feeling like a total extra wheel, she trudged down to the kitchen. Remus and Sirius were playing with Teddy, with Mrs Wealsey watching them when Ashlyn entered.

"Hello, Teddy," she cooed, as she sat down. Teddy giggled back. 

With a small sigh, she dropped her head onto the table.

"What's wrong?" Sirius yawned.

"Existential crisis," she muttered.

"Good luck, kid," he said.

"Thanks, old man," Ashlyn mumbled back. She could hear Remus snickering.

Ashlyn sat bolt upright.

"You know what, I'm going to ask the young Marauders to tell me stories of what happened back in the Marauders Era," she said and left the kitchen.

She was doing anything and everything to keep herself from going mad these days. She'd spend most of the time in the Pensieve, reading the books over and over again. When it got tiring, she'd switch to remembering all the memes, and vines and jokes she had ever seen. Then she'd switch to making a playlist of the songs she had heard before and might hear later on in the future.  Then she'd feel like she was missing out on the current happenings, so she'd interact with the others, or send a few notes to Malfoy.

 As time ticked on, she felt like she was becoming more and more like Y/N. How badly she wished she could be back at Hogwarts...


"Ashlyn isn't coming?" Ron said as he shouldered his broom. 

Ginny shook her head. "She's writing to Malfoy,"

"Right," Harry said. "Hermione, will you play then?"

"Oh, I'm no good on a broom," Hermione sighed. "I'll come along to watch,"

"I don't like Malfoy one bit," Ron grumbled.

Ginny rolled her eyes exasperatedly. 

"It's up to Ashlyn, really," Harry said. "If she really likes him then we shouldn't be too overbearing, should we?"

"It's not just that," Ron exclaimed. "It's Malfoy. We've got history, and not just Ashlyn starting to fancy him out of the blue,"

"I don't think it was out of the blue," Hermione said as they made their way to the door. 

"Listen, I find it hard to forgive that asshole," Ron said firmly. "I haven't said anything to Ashlyn because I know she'll feel bad,"

"What matters is her happiness, Ron," Ginny said exasperatedly.

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