Unforgivable Curses

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Ashlyn stared at Snape nervously.

"The reason you are here tonight, Miss Clarke, is because the headmaster has asked me to teach you duelling. He thinks it will be an excellent opportunity to hon your skill which he believes will aid you in the future" Snape said.

Ashlyn blinked twice. Her brain was trying to process everything he had said while trying to not have a mental break down. After two minutes all she managed to say was "I see,"

Snape looked at her for a few minutes before turning away, Ashlyn suspected he was laughing at her stupidity.

"I suppose you are ready. To the centre of the room," he said curtly and without hesitation, Ashlyn complied.

"Wand out," she pulled her wand out.

"Take three steps backwards from here" Ashlyn did as she was told.

"Poised to strike" she lifted her arm, and Snape did the same.

"Let's see what you've got," He said with a small smirk. "Expelliarmus!" Snape yelled.

"Protego!" cried Ashlyn. 

The red streak of light hit the silvery-blue shield, and for a second Ashlyn thought she had actually blocked it, but then the force of Snape's charm knocked her off her feet and threw her across the room.

"Oww," she said as she got up.

"Not bad. You certainly do know your spells, but they are weak. And slow," Snape said.

Ashlyn nodded and got back in position.

The next two hours, Snape spent explaining to her how merciless people can be during duels, and how quick you must be. He was a good teacher, if only he had been the same way in potions class, maybe Neville wouldn't make such a mess.

By the end of her class, Ashlyn's shield charm was considerably stronger than before and she had also gotten better at the stunning spell.

"Stupefy!" Ashlyn yelled.

"Expelliamrus," Snape said.

Ashlyn thought Snape had deflected her curse until Snape fell back colliding with his desk. Only then did she realize, that it was her curse that deflected Snape's and that her curse had successfully hit him. Ashlyn wasn't sure how to react. She was happy that her curse hit him, but at the same time, she was worried.

"Are you alright, professor? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to--" she started.

Snape raised his hand ordering her to stop talking.

"You are improving, Clarke. I see what Dumbledore meant by training a strong witch. You can leave now. Day after tomorrow, same time, same place. Be ready for your next lesson," Snape said as he straightened his robes.

"I expect to see improvement,"

"Thank you, professor. Good night" Ashlyn said. Snape acknowledged her with a curt nod.

Ashlyn wanted to go to the Gryffindor tower, but right now she was a bit too excited and the adrenaline was high, so she decided to visit a place she had been longing to visit. She was feeling better, and the whole day's miserable-ness seemed to reduce to silly-ness.

Ashlyn went to the seventh floor, took the left corridor, and found it. Opposite to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. 

Ashlyn walked past the play stretch of wall three times, thinking. "I want a secret place to practice my spells in,"

After three rounds she opened her eyes and saw a door forming. She smiled widely. As she slowly pulled the door open, she whispered "Thanks," to the walls.

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