Minerva McGonagall

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It had been four days since Ashlyn received her letter from Hogwarts and her mood hadn't dampened by a bit. 

On that afternoon, Mr Clarke came home early. When asked, he said that he had received a letter that asked him to do so and that it was really important. 

"It came by an owl, Ellie," he told his wife weakly as he slumped onto an armchair. "A huge brown owl. It flew straight at my window on the tenth floor, in broad daylight,"

"Did it get hurt?" Ashlyn asked concerned.

"No, I don't think so, pumpkin," Mr Clarke said. "It just got right back up and flew in when I opened the window, dropped this letter and left," he held up a letter.

"What did the letter say?" Mrs Clarke asked.

"A meeting," Mr Clarke said, closing his eyes wearily. "Three o'clock on the dot, it seems. Someone named McGonagall. And apparently, it is about Ashlyn,"

"Ashlyn?" Mrs Clarke said. Her husband nodded and glanced at his watch.

"She is supposed to be here in ten minutes," he muttered.

Ashlyn smiled brightly and skipped off to look out of the window, waiting for McGonagall to just apparate, then she realised that the old witch probably wouldn't do that, and she would act muggle appropriate and walk down the porch.

Ashlyn couldn't hide her smile, as the doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke went to get it. She opened the door to see a tall, severe-looking woman in an emerald green cloak. 

"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Clarke. I would like to talk to you about your daughter," the woman said. "I had sent a letter, informing you about this meeting,"

"Yes," Mrs Clarke said in a small voice and let the woman in. She had a strange aura around her, which was unnerving, yet trustworthy yat the same time. 

Ashlyn, on the other hand, was so excited seeing her favourite Hogwarts professor that her hands were ice cold and were trembling.

 McGonagall looked at her and nodded in acknowledgement. "Ashlyn, I presume," she said.

Ashlyn nodded enthusiastically. "Good morning, ma'am," she chirped with a wide smile. 

She saw McGonagall's lips twitch in a smile and was rather pleased as her mission had worked.

In the four days that she had to wait she had created a plan. When McGonagall would come she would greet her with the best smile she could muster, though she didn't think she had to really try for that. McGonagall was bound to be pleased, for if she did go informing every muggleborn's parents and family, she would be tired of the confused faces and all the convincing. it would certainly be refreshing to see a welcoming smile. Besides, right now she was a cute little ten year old. Anyone would fall for those adorable charms.
And by golly, was she right. 

The elderly witch was most certainly confused by the welcoming smile, it was as though the young girl was expecting her. Much like greeting an old acquaintance. Her eyes shone with recognition, but she was certain that she hadn't seen the girl before.

Ashlyn had found a small, empty book and had written down all the details she remembered about the seven books, all the deaths, all the puzzles. She had also made a plan of what she was going to buy for a pet. Although she'd love to get Crookshanks, she had to let Hermione get it in their third year. And an owl did outweigh the other options. 

"I'm Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am sure you have noticed, but Ashlyn is special. A bit eccentric when compared to other children,"

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